FEPI samples

The FEPI samples show you how to set up and use FEPI. Although the samples are copyrighted, you can use and copy them freely for educational purposes to help you write FEPI applications.

The samples form an integrated set. The setup program provides the FEPI resource definitions that the other samples use. The monitor and the various handlers support and complement the access programs, to form a complete FEPI communication package, just as you need to provide.

The two back-end programs, one for CICS® and one for IMS, provide applications for the front-end programs to access. The back-end CICS program is for access by the front-end SLU2 mode programs, and the back-end IMS program is for access by the front-end SLU P mode programs; no SLU2 mode access to IMS is provided. Although the back-end programs are supplied in source form, it is not necessary for you to understand the internal logic - only the external operations, as is the case for a “real” existing back-end application.

The FEPI sample front-end and back-end transactions assume that the datastream sent from the back-end application is received unaltered by the front-end application. For example, FEPI samples may perform unexpectedly if the datastreams are compressed after having been sent from the back-end application.

Note: These are samples designed for illustration purposes. For any particular circumstance, you must consider exactly what your requirements are.