DFHAP1500 applid The CICS time-of-day is no longer synchronized with the system time-of-day.


The CICS time-of-day differs from the system time-of-day by more than 30 minutes.

System action

CICS continues. However, as SIT parameter AUTORESETTIME is set to NO, a CEMT PERFORM RESET is needed to synchronize the CICS time-of-day with the system time-of-day.

User response

Use the CEMT PERFORM RESET (or EXEC CICS PERFORM RESETTIME) command to ensure that CICS immediately resynchronizes its local time with that of the MVS TOD clock. This will ensure that the correct local time is used by all CICS functions, including the API.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid

