TMDSG - Table Manager Directory Segment

      DESCRIPTIVE NAME = CICS TS Table Manager Directory Segment.
           Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
            Restricted Materials of IBM 
           (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 
      FUNCTION =
           The table management directory segment holds a group of
           directory elements (for each table entry there is a
           directory element. For a table entry which has aliases,
           there will be a directory element for each alias).
           Directory elements are grouped together in this way in
           order to reduce the number of requests for storage
           allocation. The number of directory elements per directory
           segment is controlled by TMNDESG in the table manager
           static storage.
      LIFETIME =
          Storage for a directory segment is acquired when adding a
          table entry, adding an alias name to an existing table entry,
          or when adding an entry to a secondary table (ie. a table
          which contains entries for remote objects). On subsequent
          additions to the table, storage for a new directory segment
          is acquired only when there are no free directory elements
          in the existing segment.
          Once created, directory segments last for the duration of
          the CICS run. Note that if a table entry is deleted then its
          directory element is marked as reusable.
          Shared storage above the 16M line.
      LOCATION =
          The first segment is located by SKTDIRSA in the scatter
          table. Subsequent segments are chained by DIRSGCHN in the
          directory segments themselves.
      INNER CONTROL BLOCKS = DFHTMDEL (directory element).
      NOTES :
       DEPENDENCIES = S/370
       RESTRICTIONS = None.
       MODULE TYPE = Control block definition
        DATA AREAS = None.
        CONTROL BLOCKS = None.
        GLOBAL VARIABLES (Macro pass) = None.
Table 1.
Offset Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description
(0) STRUCTURE * DIRSEG Directory segment
         Standard header
(0) CHARACTER 16 DIRHDR Standard header
(0) HALFWORD 2 DIRLNTH Total length of table
(2) CHARACTER 1 DIRARRW Eye-catcher part 1: >
(3) CHARACTER 3 DIRDFH Eye-catcher part 2: DFH
(6) CHARACTER 2 DIRTM Eye-catcher part 3: TM
         Directory segment information
(10) CHARACTER 8 DIRINFO Directory segment info.
(10) ADDRESS 4 DIRSGCHN Next directory segment ptr.
(14) HALFWORD 2 * Reserved
(16) HALFWORD 2 * Reserved
(18) CHARACTER 256 DIRELEMA (*) Directory elements