CICS system dump codes

To help proceed with problem diagnosis, CICS references a system dump code that corresponds to the event that requested a CICS system dump. In most cases, system dump codes correspond to a DFH message with the DFH prefix removed.

For example, system dump code DM0001 corresponds to message DFHDM0001 with the DFH tag removed. For further information, look up the relevant message where appropriate.

However, there are some exceptions to this format, as shown in the following list.
System dump code
Corresponding message or exception condition
This system dump code refers to a USER abend code and is associated with message DFHSR0603.
This system dump code refers to a USER abend code and is associated with message DFHSR0605.
This system dump code is associated with message DFHTR1001.
This system dump code is associated with message DFHTR1000.
This system dump code is issued through the use of the CEBT transaction when performing a PERFORM SNAP command.
This system dump code has no DFH message associated with it. An error in the currently active CICS system has occurred. An alternate CICS system is now taking control and is requesting that the active CICS system produces a dump of itself.
This dump along with the DFHCC0203 message is provided for diagnostic purposes when a "no space" response is received from VSAM while attempting to write a catalog record.
This system dump code has no DFH message associated with it. It indicates that a dump was requested by a user of CEMT, issuing either a PERFORM SNAP or a PERFORM DUMP.

For more information about using dumps in problem diagnosis, see Using dumps in problem determination.