Product overview

CICS® Transaction Server is a powerful mixed language application server. For business-critical services, it provides online transaction management and connectivity. It can process incredibly high workloads in a scalable and secure environment, and in a way that is both performant and cost-efficient.

What CICS provides your business

As a mixed language application server, a CICS system gives businesses the following core capabilities:
  • An environment for running transactions; CICS Transaction Server manages concurrency, sharing of resources, integrity of data, and prioritization of work.
  • Distribution of work between multiple CICS regions in a z/OS sysplex.
  • Connectivity with other systems in client/server and peer-to-peer configurations.

Run all of your business critical applications in a first-class application server

Application developers benefit from a set of capabilities and tools to enhance existing CICS applications and adopt a DevOps model:
  • Support for business applications written in Java™, COBOL, C, C++, PL/I, and Assembler, providing an application programming interface to access CICS services.
  • Access by applications to data stored in DB2® and DL/I databases and in VSAM and BDAM data sets.
  • Connectivity with WebSphere® MQ and access to the Message Queue Interface from CICS application programs.
  • Automated application deployment and lifecycling with DFHDPLOY and the CICS application build automation with the CICS build toolkit.

Operational efficiency

Run and manage your systems of record with increased reliability, availability, and scability
  • Interfaces for managing your CICS regions, including IBM CICS Explorer, an Eclipse RCP-based GUI application.
  • Tools for monitoring, tuning, and debugging application programs, and for diagnosing problems in your system.