The data repository

The single-system image of a CICS system or group of CICS systems is provided by the CMAS using the CICSPlex SM and resource definitions held on the data repository.

Each CMAS has its own data repository. The data repository is a VSAM KSDS that is created using a CICSPlex SM post-installation job. As with all data sets, you need to take regular backups of each data repository in your environment.

CICSPlex SM definitions and CICS resource definitions held on the data repository can be managed in the following ways:

You can generate a visual map of the definitions in your data repository. The map can be of business application services, resource monitoring, real-time analysis, or workload monitoring. You select a starting point for the map, which might be for example, a CICS system group or an individual resource, from a WUI detail or tabular view. CICSPlex SM displays the starting point and all the definitions that either refer to that definition or are referred to by it. See How to map CICSPlex SM definitions.