Automatic Refresh

With the automatic refresh function you can update the display automatically and control how frequently the data in a view is updated. It is available only if you are using a Javascript-enabled web browser.

The automatic refresh function is defined as either available with a default value, or not available for a view, using the View Editor. If automatic refresh is available, an entry field and a check box appear in the selection criteria and refresh area. You can:
  • Turn on automatic refresh by selecting the check box to insert a check mark.
  • Turn off automatic refresh by selecting the check box to remove the check mark.
  • Change the refresh interval for a display:
    1. Type a new value, in seconds, into the entry field.
    2. Make sure that the check box contains a check mark.
    3. Select Refresh.
Note: Automatic refresh can be deactivated for a WUI server based on the AUTOREFRESH Web User Interface system parameter.