Disabling and removing batch applications

How to disable or remove your batch applications from the batch container

About this task

Follow these steps to prevent a batch application from running:


Modify the file batchcontainer-config.xml. In the InstalledApplications block, change the relevant BatchApplication block as follows:


When disabled, the application cannot be published to the scheduler.

Removing batch applications

About this task

Follow these steps to remove an application from the batch container. This should only be done if the application is no longer used.


  1. Modify the file batchcontainer-config.xml
    In the InstalledApplications block, remove the relevant BatchApplication block relating to the application:
  2. Optional: If no other jobs are dependent on the jar where the removed application resides, you can clean up the JVM profile:
    1. Disable the JVM if it is running.
    2. Modify the CLASSPATH_SUFFIX within the JVM profile to remove the location of the jar.
    3. Enable the JVM.
    4. Remove the JAR from zFS.


The application is removed from the batch container.