What documentation is available for CICS TS 5.4?

CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS® provides documentation in a number of formats for use from the internet or from a local system. Some of this documentation is translated into languages other than English.

For details about CICS TS documentation and links to access it, see What documentation is available, where you will find:
  • Links to all the documentation for all supported releases of CICS TS for z/OS
  • Information about and links to end-of-service documentation
  • Conventions used in CICS documentation, such as terminology and syntax notation
  • Accessibility
  • Notices

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Giving feedback on the CICS documentation

We welcome your comments on the CICS product documentation. The documentation is refreshed regularly in response to feedback, so please let us know what you think.

  • In IBM® Knowledge Center, you can send comments to IBM privately by using the Feedback button in the footer of the IBM Knowledge Center.
  • You can provide feedback in CICS communities and user groups. The CICS content development team participates in such groups to gather any documentation issues or suggestions. For links to these communities, see the CICS welcome pages in IBM Knowledge Center.