Defining resources for CICS as an HTTP server

You create some additional resource definitions for each CICS® web support task that you want to perform.

About this task

The CICS-supplied resource definition group DFHWEB contains the following CICS web support resources:
  • Transaction definitions for CICS web support tasks (for example, CWBA and CWXN)
  • CICS web support utility programs:
    • The default analyzer program DFHWBAAX and the sample analyzer program DFHWBADX
    • The web error programs DFHWBEP and DFHWBERX
  • A temporary storage model, DFHWEB
The transient data queues for CICS web support messages, CWBO (for most messages) and CWBW (a separate queue for warning header messages), are in the group DFHDCTG.

The resource definition group DFH$WEB contains most of the PROGRAM resource definitions and URIMAP definitions for the sample CICS web support applications.

Enabling CICS web support for CICS as an HTTP server gives guidance about the resource definitions that you need for each task, and the following topics provide detailed information.