Configuring z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3 for z/OS Connect managed services

z/OS® Connect Enterprise Edition is a separately orderable product; it is not supplied as part of CICS® TS. First, you must install the runtime component of z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition. Then you configure a JVM server and resources for z/OS Connect before you can deploy JSON services and APIs. This initial configuration is a one-time activity that allows z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition to run embedded in the Liberty server that is distributed with CICS TS.

Before you begin

Install the z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition run time. Follow the instructions in the z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3.0 product documentation. Installing the API Toolkit that is supplied with z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3 is not part of this task.


This procedure shows you how to configure z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3 inside CICS TS with the CICS service provider supplied with z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3.

  1. Ensure that all the steps in Configuring z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition are complete.
  2. Update the <featureManager> list in the server.xml file to include the zosconnect:cicsService-1.0 feature.
    For example,
    Note: The CICS service providers that are supplied by CICS TS and z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition v3 are mutually exclusive. If you upgrade from z/OS Connect for CICS 1.0 to z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3, you must change the feature code.
  3. Define the elements for the CICS service provider.
    Configure the following elements in server.xml:
    1. Define either a local CICS connection, or a remote IPIC connection.
      The following example definition is for a local CICS connection:
      <zosconnect_cicsLocalConnection id="cicsterm"/>
      The following example definition is for a remote IPIC connection:
    2. Set the operationMode attribute on the zosconnect_zosConnectManager element to SYNC
      For example,
    3. Configure zosconnect_zosConnectManager to disable security.
    For more information about configuring the CICS service provider that is supplied with z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition, see Using the CICS service provider.
  4. Install the JVMSERVER. Check the generated messages.log file for error or warning messages.
    This log contains the messages that are generated by WebSphere® Liberty Server, including messages that are issued by z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition such as:
    SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: z/OS Connect.
    SRVE0250I: Web Module z/OS Connect has been bound to default_host.


Your z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition instance is configured. You can test the basic configuration for z/OS Connect by typing this URL into a web browser: https://hostname:portnumber/zosConnect/services, where hostname is the IP address or host name of the system on which the CICS region that is hosting z/OS Connect is running, and portnumber is the httpsPort that is specified in the <httpEndpoint> element of the server.xml file. The web browser displays a list of installed services; because no services are yet installed, the list is empty.

If you receive an HTTP 403 AuthorizationFailed response rather than the expected service list, review the security configuration step in Configuring z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition. The authenticated user might not be not be authorized to use z/OS Connect.

What to do next

You are now ready to deploy JSON services or APIs into z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition. For more information about deploying services, see Exposing z/OS assets as REST APIs in z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition V3.0 product documentation. For more information about deploying APIs, see Using APIs from z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition.