Deleting an affinity

You can use SM_DELAFF to delete an active affinity.

You should review Affinity considerations before using SM_DELAFF.

Before calling SM_DELAFF, you must first call SM_SCOPE to obtain a scope list. The WCOM_AFF_STAT field in the EYURWCOM communication area contains a value indicating whether an affinity is active or committed. An active affinity can be deleted using SM_DELAFF. A committed affinity has a lifetime of SYSTEM or PERMANENT and cannot be deleted using SM_DELAFF.

EYU9WRAM contains a fragment of unexecuted code that you can use as a template for implementing the SM_DELAFF API function.

The SM_DELAFF function cannot be called during:
  • Route notify
  • Route initiate
  • Route complete