Configuring CSIv2 to secure IIOP communication

The following information covers some of the general cases for configuring both inbound and outbound CSIv2 security for IIOP communication.

Inbound calls allow CICS® Liberty to listen as an object request broker (ORB) on a TCP/IP port for IIOP-RMI requests and call the target EJB method.

Outbound calls are where CICS Liberty makes a request to an ORB to start an EJB method. Outbound calls can be made to the same JVM server the call was made for, or any other Java™ virtual machine (JVM) capable of acting as an ORB.

In the following example, the client is the JVM making the outbound request and the server is the JVM receiving the inbound request. Either one, or both of these, can be the CICS Liberty JVM server. For more information, see Configuring Common Secure Interoperability version 2 (CSIv2) in Liberty.

Configuring CSIv2 to use TLS

  • Create a keystore that contains the certificate for the server.
    <keyStore id="iiopKeyStore" ... />
  • Create an SSL repertoire (the SSL element) that references the keystore.
    <ssl id="iiopSSL" keyStoreRef="iiopKeyStore" />
  • Create an IIOP endpoint with an IIOPS port.
    <iiopEndpoint id="defaultIiopEndpoint" host="" iiopPort="2809">
        <iiopsOptions iiopsPort="9402" sslRef="iiopSSL" />
Important: By default the IIOPs options sslRef references the defaultSSLConfig SSL repertoire.
  • Create a keystore. You can include a key that allows the keystore to trust a root certificate, which trusts all the certificates that are signed by that certificate.
    <keystore id="iiopTrustStore" ... />
  • Create an SSL repertoire (the SSL element) that references the keystore.
    <ssl id="iiopSSL" trustStoreRef="iiopTrustStore" ... />
  • Create an ORB with the CSIv2 client policy.
    <orb id="defaultOrb" nameService="">
                <transportLayer sslRef="iiopSSL" />

Configuring CSIv2 to allow propagation of the user ID from the client to the server


  • Create an ORB with the CSIv2 server policy.
    <orb id="defaultOrb">
                <attributeLayer identityAssertionEnabled="true" />
  • Optionally, you can specify one or more identities to be trusted by the server.
    <attributeLayer identityAssertionEnabled="true" trustedIdentities="MYUSER" />
  • Create an ORB with the CSIv2 client policy.
    <orb id="defaultOrb" nameService="">
                <attributeLayer identityAssertionEnabled="true" />
  • Optionally, you can provide a trusted identity to be authorized by the server.
    <attributeLayer identityAssertionEnabled="true" trustedIdentity="MYUSER" 
         trustedPassword="MYPASSWD" />
Important: The trusted user must exist in a user registry on the server. The trustedPassword can be encoded by using the Liberty securityUtility tool.

Configuring CSIv2 to use TLS Client Authentication


  • Create a keystore. You can include a key that allows the keystore to trust a root certificate, which trusts all the certificates that are signed by that certificate.
    <keyStore id="iiopTrustStore" ... />
  • Create an SSL repertoire (the SSL element) that references the keystore.
    <ssl id="iiopSSL" trustStoreRef="iiopTrustStore" ... />
  • Create an IIOP endpoint with an IIOPS endpoint.
    <iiopEndpoint id="defaultIiopEndpoint" host="" port="2809">
        <iiopsOptions iiopsPort="9402" sslRef="iiopSSL" />
  • Create an ORB with the CSIv2 server policy.
    <orb id="defaultOrb">
                <attributeLayer identityAssertionEnabled="true" ... />
                <transportLayer sslRef="iiopSSL" />
  • Create a keystore that contains the clients certificate.
    <keyStore id="iiopKeyStore" ... />
  • Create an SSL repertoire (the SSL element) that references the keystore.
    <ssl id="iiopSSL" keyStoreRef="iiopKeyStore" />
  • Create an ORB with the CSIv2 client policy.
    <orb id="defaultOrb">
                <attributeLayer identityAssertionEnabled="true" />
                <transportLayer sslRef="iiopSSL" />