Processing modes

Processing states or modes for activities can be active, canceling, complete, dormant, or initial. These modes describe the current state of an activity.

An activity is always in one of the following processing states or modes :
An activation of the activity is running.
CICS is waiting to cancel the activity. A CANCEL ACTIVITY command has been issued, but CICS cannot cancel the activity immediately because one or more of the descendants of the activity are inaccessible. For example, if one of the children of the activity holds a retained lock.
The activity has completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully. The value returned on the COMPSTATUS option of a CHECK ACTIVITY command tells you how it completed.
The activity is waiting for an event to fire its next activation.
No RUN or LINK command has yet been issued against the activity; or the activity has been reset to its initial state with a RESET ACTIVITY command.
Figure 1 is a (slightly simplified) view of how the processing modes relate to each other. The BTS commands that cause an activity to move from one mode to another are shown in uppercase.
Figure 1. Activity mode transitions. The words in uppercase are the commands which cause the transitions.
The picture contains five ellipses, each of which represents one of the five activity processing modes listed in this section. The ellipses are interconnected by arrows that represent the BTS commands that cause the transition from one mode to another. There is one inward arrow, marked "DEFINE", to the Initial mode. There are three outward arrows from the Initial mode: one marked "DELETE"; one, marked "RUN or LINK", to the Active mode; and one, marked "RUN or LINK", to the Dormant mode. There are two inward arrows to the Active mode: one, marked "RUN or LINK", from Initial; the other, also marked "RUN or LINK", from Dormant. There are two outward arrows from the Active mode: one to Dormant and one to Complete. There are two inward arrows to the Dormant mode: one, marked "RUN or LINK", from Initial; the other from Active. There are four outward arrows from the Dormant mode: one marked "DELETE"; one, marked "RUN or LINK", to Active; one, marked "CANCEL", to Canceling; one, marked "CANCEL", to Complete. There is one inward arrow, marked "CANCEL", to the Canceling mode, from Dormant. There is one outward arrow from the Canceling mode, to Complete. There are three inward arrows to the Complete mode: one from Active; one, marked "CANCEL", from Dormant; one from Canceling. There are two outward arrows from the Complete mode: one marked "DELETE"; one, marked "RESET", to Initial.

Use the CHECK ACTIVITY or INQUIRE ACTIVITYID command to determine the current mode of an activity.