Displaying information about CICS-MQ connections

You can obtain basic information or detailed statistics about the CICS®-MQ connection, depending on the information that you require and the environment in which you are currently working.

You can use the CEMT or EXEC CICS INQUIRE commands, the CICS-MQ adapter control panels, the CKQC DISPLAY command, or CICSPlex® SM to display information about the connection. Each method produces a set of information selected for that environment. The following table shows the items of information that are available with each method:

Table 1. Displaying information about a CICS-MQ connection
Information INQUIRE MQCONN using CEMT or in application CICS-MQ adapter control panels CKQC DISPLAY from command line or in application CICSPlex SM views
Status of connection (for example, Connected) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Name of queue manager or queue-sharing group specified for connection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Name of queue manager actually connected Yes Yes Yes Yes
Name of default initiation queue Use INQUIRE MQMONITOR Yes No Yes
Number of inflight tasks using connection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number of trigger monitor (CKTI) tasks using connection Yes Yes No Yes
Details of tasks using connection, such as transaction ID and task number No Yes No No
Status of CICS-MQ API-crossing exit No Yes No No
Resynchronization behavior Yes No No Yes
WebSphere® MQ release number Yes No No Yes
Resource signature for MQCONN resource definition Yes No No Yes
Name of installed MQCONN resource definition Use INQUIRE SYSTEM No No Yes
Connect and disconnect times Use EXTRACT STATISTICS (EXEC CICS only) No No Yes
Detailed statistics such as numbers of MQI calls Use EXTRACT STATISTICS (EXEC CICS only) Yes No Yes