Removing OSGi bundles from a JVM server

If you want to remove OSGi bundles from the JVM server, use the CICS Explorer® to disable and discard the BUNDLE resource.

About this task

The BUNDLE resource provides life-cycle management for the collection of OSGi bundles and OSGi services that are defined in the CICS® bundle. Removing OSGi bundles from the OSGi framework does not automatically affect the state of other installed OSGi bundles and services. If you remove a bundle that is a prerequisite for another bundle, the state of the dependent bundle does not generally change until you explicitly refresh that bundle. An exception is in the use of singleton bundles. If you uninstall a singleton bundle that other bundles depend on, the dependent bundles cannot use the services of the uninstalled bundle. The reported status of the CICS BUNDLE resource might not accurately reflect the status of the OSGi bundle.


  1. Click Operations > Java > OSGi Bundles to find out which BUNDLE resource contains the OSGi bundle.
  2. Click Operations > Bundles to disable the BUNDLE resource.
    CICS disables each resource that is defined in the CICS bundle. For OSGi bundles and services, CICS sends a request to the OSGi framework in the JVM server to unregister any OSGi services and moves the OSGi bundles into a resolved state. Any in-flight transactions complete, but any new links to the OSGi service from CICS applications return with an error.
  3. Discard the BUNDLE resource.
    CICS sends a request to the OSGi framework to remove the OSGi bundles from the JVM server.


You have removed the OSGi bundles and services from the OSGi framework.

What to do next

If you have PROGRAM resources pointing to OSGi services that are no longer in the OSGi framework, you might want to disable and discard the PROGRAM resources.