Installing applications and resources

Optionally, as an alternative to installing resources from the CSD, you can use BAS to install your resources, from the data repository.

BAS allows you to install all the resources associated with an application, by installing the resource description, or one resource group. BAS applies any resource assignments you have associated with the application resource description or resource group, and selects the actual resources to be installed on the basis of those criteria. Alternatively, you can install an individual resource into one or more CICS systems, either locally or remotely, as appropriate.

BAS can install resources either automatically at system initialization time or dynamically into an active CICS system. Before installing a resource, CICSPlex® SM performs checks to determine whether the resource already exists in the CICS system. The normal situation is that if the resource exists, the new resource is considered a duplicate and is not installed. However, when you dynamically install resources, BAS offers the option of bypassing the duplicate resource checking and forcing the unconditional installation of resources.
Automatic installation
When a CICS system initializes and identifies itself to a CMAS, BAS reviews the resources associated with that system and decides the set of resources to be installed.
Dynamic installation
You can install resources dynamically into an active CICS system by clicking the install button either from the appropriate resource definition view, or from one of the following views:
  • Resource group definitions view.
  • Resource description definitions view.
  • System link definitions view.