Managing BAS

Your BAS environment is set up and managed using these WUI view sets and resource administration objects.

Table 1. WUI view sets and resource administration objects
WUI view set Object name Description
Resource assignment definitions RASGNDEF A resource assignment describes the characteristics of the selected resource definition type, and how those resources are to be assigned to CICS® systems. The assigned resources must all be of one type, for example, files, and must belong to a resource group. A resource can be assigned as both local and remote in one or more CICS systems. Before you can use the resource assignment, you must associate with a resource description; see the Resource description definitions (RESDESC) view. This object is also used to identify the attributes to be used in selecting the resources to be assigned and any attribute values to be changed when the resources are assigned.
Resource assignments in resource description RASINDSC This view displays information about resource descriptions, and the resource assignments associated with them. This information includes, for each resource, its resource group and any assigned CICS system to CICS system group.
Resource selected by resource assignments RASPROC This view displays the resources that will be processed when the specified resource assignment is processed. The resources displayed are selected from those in the associated resource group, using any supplied selection criteria.
Resource selected by resource description RDSCPROC This view displays the resources that will be selected when a specified resource description is processed. The resources can be selected from resource groups that are directly related to the resource description, as in migration form BAS, and from resource assignments, using any selection criteria currently in effect.
Resource description definitions RESDESC A resource description identifies a set of resource groups, and hence resource definitions. You use this object to specify whether or not you want to use logical scoping for this resource description, and the CICS systems for the associated resource groups.
Resource group definitions RESGROUP This object is used to associate one or more related resource definitions. The resource definitions may be of the same or different types.
Resource groups in descriptions RESINDSC This view displays information about existing resource descriptions and the resource groups associated with them.
Resource definitions in resource groups RESINGRP This view displays information about existing resource groups and the resource definitions associated with them.
CICS system link definitions SYSLINK This view displays information about the links that exist between CICS systems in the CICSplex. The information includes the names of the CICS systems and the names of the connection and session definitions used in defining the link.
CICS system resources SYSRES This view displays the resources that will be assigned to a specified CICS system. The resources are selected on the basis of the resource descriptions currently associated with the CICS system.
Resource definitions resDEF

where res identifies the resource being defined

For each resource definition type, there is a resource definition object that defines the attributes for that definition. For the available resource types and the WUI views used to define them for CICSPlex® SM, see CICS resource definitions views.
The object models showing the relationships between these objects are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The view titles are followed by the resource name in parentheses.
Figure 1. The migration form BAS object model
The diagram illustrates the relationships between views used for managing CICS resources using the migration form of BAS. The following views are described beginning at the top with the CICS system definition view (CSYSDEF object). The CICS system definition view defines CICS regions, specifies whether resources defined in resource descriptions are to be autoinstalled and specifies recovery procedures. The System group definition view (CSYSGRP object) identifies groups in a CICSplex. The Resource descriptions view (RESDESC object) identifies sets of logically-related CICS definitions that can act as a scope and which are allowed to be autoinstalled when a MAS connects to a CICSplex. The Resource groups in descriptions view (RESINDSC object) associates resource groups with resource descriptions. The Resource groups view (RESGROUP object) defines a set of related resource definitions. The Resource definitions in resource group view (RESINGRP object) associates a resource definition with a resource group. The Resource definition views, for example Connection definitions (CONNDEF object), Transaction definitions (TRANDEF object) describe the attributes of a particular resource.
Figure 2. The full-function BAS object model
The diagram illustrates the relationships between views used for managing CICS resources using the full-function approach to BAS. The following views are described beginning at the top with the CICS system definition view (CSYSDEF object). The CICS system definitions view defines CICS regions, specifies whether resources defined in Resource description views (RESDESC objects) are to be autoinstalled and specifies recovery procedures. The System group definition view (CSYSGRP object) identifies groups in a CICSplex. The Resource assignments view (RASGNDEF object) identifies which resource definitions are selected and to which CICS systems they are assigned. The Resource assignments in resource description view (RASINDSC object) associates a resource assignment with a resource description. The Resource description view (RESDESC object) identifies sets of logically related CICS definitions that can act as a scope and which are allowed to be autoinstalled when a MAS connects to a CICSplex. The Resource groups view (RESGROUP object defines a set of related resource definitions. The resource definitions in resource group view (RESINGRP object) associates a resource definition with a resource group. The Resource definition views, for example Connection definitions (CONNDEF object), Transaction definitions (TRANDEF object) describe the attributes of a particular resource.