Updating a workload specification

This example describes how to use the Web User Interface to update a workload specification.

About this task

In this example, the workload specification to be updated is WLSPAY01, which you created in the example Managing a workload.

Consider the effects of this task carefully. In particular, the updated workload specification cannot take effect immediately. For the update to take immediate effect, you must stop and then restart both the routing region with which the workload specification is associated and the target regions to which the routing region routes transactions.


  1. Update workload specification WLSPAY01.
    1. From the Web User Interface main menu, click Administration > Workload manager administration > Specifications to open the WLM specifications (WLMSPEC) tabular view.

      If the current context is not PLXPROD1, specify PLXPROD1 in the Context field and click Refresh.

    2. Select the entry for WLSPAY01 and click the Update button.
    3. Change the Algorithm type field from QUEUE to GOAL.
    4. Click Yes. The view is redisplayed showing the updated entry for WLSPAY01.
  2. Display the Active workload view:
    1. From the main menu, click Active workloads (WLM) > Active workloads.
    2. In the Active workloads tabular view, type in the workload name WLSPAY01 and click Refresh.

    The Active workloads tabular view is redisplayed. You will see that the algorithm type for WLM specification WLSPAY01 is still QUEUE. This is because region CICSPT01 doesn't know about the changes you've made.

What to do next

If you want the updated workload specification to take effect immediately, use the CICS regions view to stop the routing regions and the target regions to which they route, and then restart them. The regions must all be shut down together and not restarted until each CMAS that had CICS elements participating in the named workload issues message EYUWM0410I confirming that the workload specification has terminated successfully. If CICS regions that are members of the workload restart before receiving message EYUWM0410I, the existing workload specification will continue to be used and the updates to the workload specification will not be in effect. After the routing regions are restarted, display the Active workloads tabular view and you will see that the Algorithm type field has been updated to GOAL.