Associating a CICS system or system group with a workload specification

Each workload specification has a default target scope and one or more CICS systems or CICS system groups associated with it.

These associated CICS systems or groups are known as the routing scope. The default target scope is identified when you create the specification. Associated CICS systems and system groups are identified when you add the routing region to the specification.

Follow this procedure to associate a CICS system group to an existing workload specification:
  1. Click Administration > Workload manager administration—>Specifications to open the WLM specifications view.

    This view displays a list of existing workload specifications.

  2. Select a workload specification and click the Associate CICS group... button. This opens the Associate CICS group... view.
  3. In the CICS system group field, enter the specific or generic name of an existing CICS® system group that represents one or more routing regions.
    Note: A CICS system or CICS system group acting as a routing region can be associated with only one workload specification at a time. A specification, however, can be associated with any number of CICS systems and CICS system groups.
  4. Select one of the following options to indicate how the CICS systems that make up the CICS system group are to use the workload specification associated with the CICS system group:
    All CICS systems currently associated with the CICS system group are to use the workload specification. (The workload specification attribute for each CICS system changes to INHERIT, indicating that the specification was acquired from the CICS system group). If you add a new CICS system to the CICS system group, it does not automatically inherit the FORCE option. You must specify NULL or FORCE when adding a CICS system to a CICS system group.
    Those CICS systems in the CICS system group that are not associated with a workload specification are to use this workload specification. (The workload specification attribute for those CICS systems changes to INHERIT, indicating that the specification was acquired from the CICS system group.)
    Only the CICS system group is to be associated with the workload specification. The CICS systems in the CICS system group are not affected. That is, if there is no association between a CICS system and a workload specification, none is established; if there is an association, either explicitly established or inherited from another CICS system group, it is unchanged.
    1. If the CICS system group includes other CICS system groups, all of the CICS systems, including those in subordinate CICS system groups, are affected by the value specified in this field.
    2. The CICS systems designated as the default target scope when you created the workload specification must be accessible to the CICS systems identified as the routing scope. Therefore, you should verify that the appropriate CICS connections exist between each routing region and all of the CICS systems in the target scope identified here.
  5. Click Yes to update the workload specification in the data repository. Otherwise, click No to abandon the process.

Once you associate a CICS system or system group to a workload specification, the specification is automatically installed whenever an associated CICS system is started. Any workload definitions associated with the specification through workload groups are also automatically installed.

However, if you associate the workload specification with a CICS system that is already active, the new specification is not immediately available. To turn workload management on:
  1. Click Administration > Topology administration > System definitions to display a list of active CICS systems.
  2. Select the CICS system and click the Update... button
  3. In the Workload manager status field, specify YES, and click the Yes button to turn on workload management. Otherwise, click No to abandon the process.