Upgrading CICS Explorer

This section summarizes the actions you might need to upgrade CICS Explorer®.

You must install a new copy of CICS Explorer Version 5.3 before you can work with CICS® regions at CICS TS Version 5.3.
  • For connections to a stand-alone CICS region (SMSS), when you install CICS Explorer Version 5.3, you can use it to work with CICS TS Version 5.3 and earlier regions.
  • For connections to a CICSPlex® SM WUI server, when you install CICS Explorer Version 5.3, you can use it to work with CICS TS Version 5.3 and earlier CICSPlex SM WUI servers.

Upgrade actions

Your current CICS Explorer version Action Mandatory or optional?
All versions
Back up your CICS Explorer workspace Optional, but advisable
All versions
Install CICS Explorer Optional

Back up your CICS Explorer workspace

Before you upgrade or install a new copy of CICS Explorer, it is advisable to back up your CICS Explorer workspace so that you can restore the workspace to a previous version, if required.

When you upgrade to CICS Explorer Version 5.3 from Version 5.2 or earlier, if you need to work with CICS Explorer Version 5.2 or earlier, you must back up your existing workspace before you upgrade.

For details, see Taking a backup of the CICS Explorer workspace in the CICS Explorer product documentation.

Install CICS Explorer

If your current version of CICS Explorer is Version 5.2 or earlier, you must install a new copy of CICS Explorer. You cannot just upgrade CICS Explorer because earlier versions of CICS Explorer use a different version of Eclipse.

For more information, see Installing in the CICS Explorer product documentation.