Category 1 transactions

Category 1 transactions are never associated with a terminal. They are for CICS® internal use only, and must not be started from a user terminal. CICS checks that the region user ID has the authority to attach these transactions.

If the region user ID is not authorized to access all of the category 1 transactions, CICS issues message DFHXS1113 and fails to initialize. For category 1 transactions, specify the following settings:
RESSEC(NO) and CMDSEC(NO) on the transaction resource definition.
UACC(NONE) and AUDIT(FAILURES) in the corresponding transaction profiles. AUDIT(FAILURES) is the default value. The access list must contain only user IDs (or groups containing user IDs) that can be specified as CICS region user IDs.
For example:
         ADDMEM(CSKP CSPQ CDBD . . . . . . . . CXRE CSNE)
         OWNER(userid or groupid)

By defining these transactions to RACF with UACC(NONE) and an access list, you prevent any terminal user initiating these transactions (accidentally or otherwise). It is important, because starting these transactions at a terminal has unpredictable results. The sample CLIST DFH$CAT1 helps you define the category 1 profiles to RACF. The sample CLIST is in library CICSTS53.CICS.SDFHSAMP.

The table lists the category 1 transactions supported in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS®, Version 5 Release 3:
  • The transactions that have operator interfaces are marked by an asterisk (*). The other transactions have no operator interface.
  • Transactions CGRP, CSSY, and CSTP are transaction names that are used by some CICS tasks.
  • Transaction CPLT might run under a different user ID if the PLTPIUSR system initialization parameter is specified. For more information, see Post-initialization processing.
Table 1. Category 1 transactions.

The transactions that have operator interfaces are marked by an asterisk (*). The remainder therefore have no operator interface.

Transaction Program CSD group Security category Description
CATA DFHZATA DFHSPI 1 Defines autoinstall automatic terminal
CATD DFHZATD DFHSPI 1 Deletes autoinstall terminal
CDBF DFHD2CM3 DFHDB2 1 CICS DB2® attachment facility shutdown force transaction
CDBQ DFHD2CM2 DFHDB2 1 CICS DB2 attachment facility shutdown quiesce transaction
CDTS DFHZATS DFHSPI 1 Provides remote single delete transaction
CEPD DFHEPDS Not required 1 Event processing dispatcher
CEPF DFHECDF Not required 1 Event processing deferred filtering task
CEPM DFHEPSY Not required 1 Event processing queue manager
CESC* DFHCESC DFHSIGN 1 Processes timeout and signoff for idle terminals
CEX2 DFHD2EX2 DFHDB2 1 CICS DB2 protected thread purge mechanism and other CICS DB2 services
CFCL DFHFCDL Not required 1 CFDT load
CFCR DFHFCRN DFHFCRL 1 Disable file in CICS bundle
CFCT DFHFCLJ1 Not required 1 Provide tie-up records for files to a replication log at specified intervals
CFOR DFHFCQT Not required 1 RLS offsite recovery
CFQR DFHFCQT Not required 1 RLS quiesce receive
CFQS DFHFCQT Not required 1 RLS quiesce send
CFTL DFHDTLX Not required 1 Shared DT load
CFTS DFHZATS DFHSPI 1 Provides remote mass flag transaction
CGRP DFHZCGRP Not required 1 Provides z/OS Communications Server (previously called VTAM®) persistent sessions
CHCK DFHHCHK Not required 1 Health Checker long running system task
CIS4 DFHCIS4 DFHISCIP 1 IPIC External Security Interface (ESI) transaction
CISB DFHISCOP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC release IPCONN on the server side of a connection (BIS processing)
CISC DFHISCOP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC acquire IPCONN on the client side of a connection
CISD DFHISCOP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC release IPCONN on the client side of a connection
CISE DFHISEMP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC error and message program
CISP DFHISPHP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC connection heartbeat control transaction
CISQ DFHISLQP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC local queue processing
CISR DFHISRRP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC request/response receiver
CISS DFHISCOP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC acquire IPCONN on the server side of a connection
CISU DFHISREU DFHISCIP 1 IPIC recovery transaction
CISX DFHISREX DFHISCIP 1 IPCONN recovery and resynchronization transaction for XA clients
CIS1 DFHISPRP DFHISCIP 1 IPIC connection heartbeat requester transaction
CITS DFHZATS DFHSPI 1 Provides remote autoinstall transaction
CJLR DFHSJTHP Not required 1 Liberty recovery transaction
CJSL DFHSJL Not required 1 JVM server listener (autoinstalled by CICS)
CJSR DFHSJITL DFHJAVA 1 CICS JVM server resolution transaction
CJSP DFHSJTHP Not required 1 JVM server Liberty program management
CJTR DFHOTR DFHOTS 1 Object Transaction Services (OTS) resynchronization transaction
CMPE DFHMPDE Not required 1 Policy deferred rule evaluation
CMTS DFHZATS DFHSPI 1 Remote mass delete transaction
COVR DFHZCOVR Not required 1 Provides open z/OS Communications Server retry transaction
CPCT DFHZPCT DFHPSSGN 1 Catalog signed on terminals for persistent session signon retention
CPIR DFHPIITL DFHSTAND 1 Pipeline resolution transaction
CPIS DFHPIR DFHPIPE 1 WS-AT transaction that is attached when resynchronization is required
CPLT DFHSIPLT Not required 1 Initializes PLT processing
CRLR DFHRLR DFHRL 1 Bundle resource resolution transaction
CRMD DFHZATMD DFHSPI 1 Provides remote mass delete transaction
CRMF DFHZATMF DFHSPI 1 Provides remote mass flag transaction
CRSQ DFHCRQ DFHISC 1 Remote schedule purging (ISC)
CRST DFHRSTK Not required 1 Region Status long running task
CRSY DFHRMSY DFHRMI 1 Resource manager resynchronization
CRTP DFHZRTP DFHPSSGN 1 Persistent sessions restart timer transaction
CSFR DFHFCRD Not required 1 RLS clean up
CSFU DFHFCU DFHOPCLS 1 File open utility
CSHA   Not required 1 Scheduler services (autoinstalled by CICS)
CSHQ DFHSHSY Not required 1 Scheduler services domain long running task
CSKP DFHRMXN3 Not required 1 Writes system log activity keypoint
CSNC DFHCRNP DFHISC 1 Interregion control program (MRO)
CSNE DFHZNAC DFHVTAM 1 Provides z/OS Communications Server (previously called VTAM) node error recovery
CSOL DFHSOL Not required 1 TCP/IP listener (autoinstalled by CICS)
CSPQ DFHTPQ DFHBMS 1 Terminal page clean up (BMS)
CSQC DFHLGQC DFHLGQC 1 CICS quiesce after system log failure
CSSY DFHAPATT Not required 1 Provides entry point attach
CSTE DFHTACP DFHSTAND 1 Processes terminal abnormal conditions
CSTP DFHZCSTP Not required 1 Provides terminal control transaction
CSZI DFHSZRMP DFHFEPI 1 Front End Programming Interface (FEPI), only active if FEPI installed
CTSD DFHTSDQ Not required 1 Temporary storage delete recoverable queue
CWBG DFHWBGB DFHWEB 1 CICS web support clean up transaction
CWXN DFHWBXN DFHWEB 1 CICS Web support attach transaction
CWXU DFHWBXN DFHWEB 1 CICS Web support USER protocol attach transaction
CXCU DFHCXCU DFHSTAND 1 Performs XRF tracing catchup
CXRE DFHZXRE DFHSTAND 1 Reconnects terminals following XRF takeover