CICS subpools in the ESDSA

The subpools in the extended shared dynamic storage area (ESDSA) are listed, together with the use of each one.

Table 1. CICS subpools in the ESDSA
Subpool name Description
DFHAPUAN A general subpool for application domain storage above 16 MB but below 2 GB.
IE_BUFF The IE domain buffers that are used when processing inbound and outbound messages.
IIBUFFER The IIOP domain buffer subpool.
IS_BUFF Storage for the IS buffers that are used to hold the message data for an IS session block.
LDEPGM Storage for extended (31-bit) dynamically-loaded application programs and programs defined EXECKEY(USER).
LDERES Storage for extended (31-bit) resident application programs.
SJSCCHS Storage for the Java Virtual Machine domain (SJ domain) class cache.
SJSJPTE Storage for the SJ domain profile table entries.
SJSJTCB Storage for the SJ domain TCB usage.
SJUSERKY SJ domain user key storage.
SMSHRU31 Used for many control blocks of SHARED_USER31 class storage, RMI global work areas, EDF blocks for the life of the transaction being monitored, and other control blocks.
TGODR Storage for the transaction group origin data record.
WEBINB Inbound Web 3270 buffer storage.
ZCTCTUA Storage for the TCTTE user area. It can be located in one of the following DSAs: SDSA, ECDSA, CDSA, or ESDSA. Its location is controlled by the system initialization parameter, TCTUALOC=ANY|BELOW and the system initialization parameter, TCTUAKEY=CICS|USER. The maximum size can be specified in USERAREALEN operand of the terminal definition. For more information about the terminal definition, see TERMINAL resources.