DFHPI1005 date time applid Attempt to link to program progname failed. SOAP conversions cannot be performed. Module: modname.


SOAP conversion to a format suitable for a CICS application failed. The link to a vendor supplied program progname failed. The webservice cannot be used without this program.

System action

The attempt to use the webservice is aborted. A soap fault is returned to the client. If the failure occurs during an INVOKE WEBSERVICE API command, i.e. the issuing module for this message is DFHPIIW, appropriate EIBRESP and EIBRESP2 codes are returned to the application program.

User response

Ensure that the WEBSERVICE definition refers to the correct WSBIND file and that the vendor program progname required is available to CICS.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. progname
  5. modname
