Migrating APPC and MRO connections to IPIC

You can migrate your existing MRO, APPC, and LUTYPE6.1 connections to IPIC connections. Existing connections continue to operate as before. The IPCONN definition takes precedence over the CONNECTION definition; that is, if an IPCONN and a CONNECTION have the same name, CICS® uses the IPCONN definition.

Before you begin

If you want to migrate APPC or MRO connections to IPIC, you must have installed support for IPIC. IP interconnectivity (IPIC) describes how to do this.

About this task

The DFH0IPCC migration utility converts existing APPC and MRO connections to IPIC. To migrate your existing connections to IPIC using the DFH0IPCC utility, complete the following steps.


  1. Create a TCPIPSERVICE resource definition in each of the interconnected regions.
    1. Specify PROTOCOL(IPIC).
    2. Specify TCPIPSERVICE(DFHIPIC) or TCPIPSERVICE(servicename).
      If you specify a user-defined name, use this same name for all the TCPIPSERVICE definitions that you create.
    3. Specify other options, such as PORTNUMBER, according to the requirements of the region where the TCPIPSERVICE definition is to be installed.
  2. Put each TCPIPSERVICE definition in a resource definition group of its own.
  3. Add one or more resource groups to each CICS system definition file (CSD) used by the interconnected regions, the number depending on the number of CICS regions the CSD serves and the number of unique TCPIPSERVICE definitions that they require.
  4. Install one TCPIPSERVICE, named DFHIPIC, or user-defined service name, in each of the interconnected regions.
  5. Complete an APPLID table for the interconnected CICS regions, as shown in Example 1.
    1. Create the table as a fixed-block, 80-byte record format.
    2. Fill the table using any method: manually, for example, or by a utility, such as a spreadsheet or script. You must preserve the fixed-length format.
      • You can remove or omit any of the provided comments or header lines in the table.
      • The table must contain the application identifiers (APPLIDs), network IDs, where applicable, TCP/IP port numbers, and host names of all the interconnected CICS regions.
      • If the previously defined TCPIPSERVICE definitions were named anything other than DFHIPIC, the table must contain a .DEFAULT record with TCPIPSERVICE=servicename in the HOST column.
  6. Copy your APPLID table to every system that contains a CSD used by the interconnected regions.
  7. Create JCL that can be used to invoke DFH0IPCC through DFHCSDUP, like that shown in Example 2.
    Specify the lists and resource groups that you want DFH0IPCC to search for information about CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions.

    The JCL issues a DFHCSDUP EXTRACT command, passing the utility program as the USERPROGRAM.

  8. On one of the CSD-owning systems, use your customized JCL file to invoke the DFH0IPCC utility program.
    The utility program collects information about CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions, creates IPCONN definitions, and writes a series of DEFINE statements, which form the SYSIN for your resulting DFHCSDUP invocation JCL.
  9. Review the output produced by the utility program.
    1. Check that the IPCONN definitions are correct for your installation.
      You might want to modify the default SSL settings to add greater security controls for a particular connection.
    2. Modify the USER, PASSWORD, and library names in the generated JCL, to match those used by your location.
  10. Run the generated JCL to add the new IPCONN resources to your CSD file.
  11. Repeat steps 8, 9, and 10 for each CSD file used by the interconnected CICS regions.


This example of an APPLID table shows the format that you must use. The table following the example has reference information for the table format.
Figure 1. Example 1: APPLID table

*                                                                              *
* Description:                                                                 *
*     This Applid Table is for DFH0IPCC. This table must contain the           *
*     APPLIDs, NETWORKIDs (where applicable for foreign network connectivity), *
*     PORT numbers, and TCP/IP HOST names for all CICS regions in the systems  *
*     for which IPCONN definitions are to be created.                          *
*                                                                              *
* File Format:                                                                 *
*     This file must be in FB80 format, and relies on a tabular layout as      *
*     follows. Any characters can be used as separators. Add comments using an *
*     asterisk in the first column of the line. A HOST name that is too long   *
*     to fit into the table can be continued by placing an asterisk in column  *
*     80, and continuing on column 25 of the next row (the first column of the *
*     space for HOST). The APPLID field of any continuation record(s) must be  *
*     left blank.                                                              *
*                                                                              *
* Notes:                                                                       *
*     The optional .DEFAULT record (shown as follows) can be used to provide   *
*     either one or both of the following parameters:                          *
*     > A TCPIPSERVICE name, which must be provided immediately after          *
*       'TCPIPSERVICE=' in the HOST column. If a name is not provided, it      *
*       defaults to 'DFHIPIC'. In either case, this value is the name that must*
*       be used when defining the TCPIPSERVICEs for the CICS systems referred  *
*       to in this table.                                                      *
*     > A default NETWORKID, which must be provided in the NET-ID column.      *
*       Its omission results in the omission of the NETWORKID parameter in     *
*       the generated IPCONN definition statements for those APPLIDs that had  *
*       a blank NET-ID column.                                                 *
*                                                                              *
*     Examples of various valid table entries are shown following the .DEFAULT *
*     record. These are examples only. Ensure that all rows adhere to your     *
*     site's standards and conventions.                                        *
*                                                                              *
*     Important! When editing this file, ensure that the CAPS setting is OFF.  *
*     Otherwise, the case-sensitive HOST names might be destroyed.             *
*                                                                              *
APPLID. |NET-ID. |PORT.|HOST.                                                   
.DEFAULT|LOCALNET|     |TCPIPSERVICE=TCPSERV1                                   
APPL1A  |        |9876 |my.local.hostname
        |        |     |e.a.continuation.record
* Comments such as this are entirely free-form other than the * in column 1
CICSXYZ |        |9875 |
Table 1. Format of APPLID table
Table column Length Description
APPLID char 8 Unique identifier or .DEFAULT.

The APPLID must match the NETNAME of the associated CONNECTION definition. See Equivalent attributes on IPCONN definitions.

Use .DEFAULT to specify default values for NETID or TCPIPSERVICE. The leading dot prevents the word DEFAULT being used as a valid APPLID. Only one .DEFAULT row is allowed in the table.

Separator char 1 Any alphanumeric character.
NETID char 8 Network identifier. When left blank, the default NETID specified by the .DEFAULT row is used.
Separator char 1 Any alphanumeric character.
PORT char 5 Listening port number
Separator char 1 Any alphanumeric character
HOST char 55 TCP/IP host name
Continuation column char 1 Normally blank. Any nonblank character in this field indicates that the host name is longer than 55 characters and continues in the HOST column in the following row.
You can use this example JCL to invoke DFH0IPCC through DFHCSDUP.
Figure 2. Example 2: JCL to invoke DFH0IPCC through DFHCSDUP
/*ROUTE PRINT user                                          
//CSDUPJOB EXEC PGM=DFHCSDUP,REGION=0M                              
//STEPLIB  DD DSN=loadlibrary,DISP=SHR                           
//         DD DSN=loadlibrary,DISP=SHR                    
//DFHCSD   DD DSN=csdfilename,DISP=SHR                   
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A                                              
//CSDCOPY  DD UNIT=VIO             
//APPLTABL DD DSN=applidtablename,                           
//            DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1)),                
//            DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=15360,LRECL=80)                
//LOGFILE     DD DSN=logfilename,                               
//            DISP=(MOD,CATLG,CATLG),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1)),                
//            DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=15360,LRECL=80)                 
//OUTFILE  DD DSN=outputfilename,                              
//            DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=15360,LRECL=80)                 
//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A                                              
//SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=A                                              
//SYSIN    DD *                                                     
EXTRACT GR(group2) USERPROGRAM(DFH0IPCC) OBJECTS                         