203 (on Open_Pipe call): NO_CICS

An attempt has been made to open a pipe but the target CICS® system is not available, or hasn't yet opened IRC, or the target connection is out of service, or the relevant EXCI connection definition is not installed in the target CICS.


System Action

The open pipe request fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM.

User Response

If the subreason field-1 is non-zero (the IRP response code (R15)), the subreason field-2 contains the IRP reason code. For an explanation of the IRP return codes, see the interregion control blocks in the CICS Data Areas manual. The IRP return codes are in the DFHIRSPS copybook, listed under the heading IRC.

The client program should deallocate the pipe. When you have corrected the problem, your client application program can reissue the allocate_pipe and Open_Pipe calls, or alternatively allocate and open a pipe to a different CICS region.