EXCI call response code values

This table shows the values that can be returned in the response field. All values are in decimal.

Table 1. EXCI response codes (returned in response field of return_area)
Code Meaning Explanation
0 OK For all EXCI CALL commands other than the DPL_request, the call was successful. If an OK response is received for a DPL_request, you must also check dpl_retarea to ensure CICS® did not return a condition code. If the EIBRESP field of Dpl_retarea is zero, the DPL call was successful.
4 WARNING The external CICS interface detected an error, but this did not stop the CALL command completing successfully. The reason code field describes the error detected.
8 RETRYABLE The EXCI CALL command failed. This class of failure relates to errors in the setup of the system environment, and not errors in the external CICS interface or client program. The reason code documents the specific error in the environment setup.

The external CICS interface command can be reissued without changing the client program once the environment error has been corrected. The environmental errors concerned are ones that do not require an MVS™ re-IPL. Each reason code value for a RETRYABLE response documents whether the CALL can be reissued directly, or whether the pipe being used has to be closed and reopened first.

12 USER_ERROR The EXCI CALL command failed. This class of error means there is an error either in the client program, or in the CICS server program, or in the CICS server region. An example of an error in the CICS server system would be a failed security check, or an abend of the CICS server program, in which case the abend code is set in the abend code field of dpl_retarea. Each reason code value for a response of USER_ERROR explains whether the command can be reissued directly, or whether the pipe being used has to be closed and reopened first.
16 SYSTEM_   ERROR The EXCI CALL command failed. This class of error means that the external CICS interface has detected an error. The reason code value identifies the specific error. If the error can be corrected, then the command can be reissued. Each reason code value for a SYSTEM_ERROR response explains whether the command can be reissued directly, or whether the pipe being used has to be closed and reopened first.