Topology data for transient data queue - CRESTDQ

The topology data for transient data queues (CRESTDQ) view displays information about all of the intrapartition, extrapartition, remote and indirect transient data queues within the current context and scope.

Supplied views

To access from the main menu, click:

CICS operations views > Transient data queue (TDQ) operations views > Topology data for transient data queue

Table 1. Views in the supplied Topology data for transient data queue (CRESTDQ) view set
View Notes
Topology data for transient data queue


Detailed topology information about an instance of a transient data queue within a CICS system.
Topology data for transient data queue


Tabular topology information about an instance of a transient data queue within a CICS system.




Table 2. Fields in CRESTDQ views
Field Attribute name Description
Enabled status ENABLESTATUS The enabled status of the transient data queue, which indicates whether it is available for use.

Input values: ENABLED | DISABLED

Monitoring status MONSTAT The status of CICS monitoring in the system. This is a BIT field, the value of which is the sum of a combination of the following values:
  • 01 - Possible data
  • 02 - Collect data
  • 04 - User monitor definition
  • 08 - System monitor definition
  • 16 - Resource logically deleted
  • 32 - Resource status facility active

A value of '00' indicates that monitoring is inactive in this system.

TDQ queue NAME The CICS 4-character transient data queue name.
Open status OPENSTATUS Indicates whether the TD queue is open, closed, or in an intermediate state. This field is only applicable to extrapartition queues. Values are:
  • OPENING - The queue is in the process of being opened
  • OPEN - The queue is open
  • CLOSING - The queue is in the process of being closed
  • CLOSED - The queue is closed
TD queue type QTYPE Indicates the type of the queue. Values are:
  • INTRA - Intrapartition transient data queue. This data queue is held in a direct-access data set for use with one or more programs running as separate tasks.
  • EXTRA - Extrapartition transient data queue. This is a sequential data set on tape or a direct-access device accessible by programs outside (or within) the CICS region.
  • REMOTE - Remote transient data queue. This data queue is defined to the local CICS system, but resides in another CICS system.
  • INDIRECT - Indirect transient data queue. This data queue represents another, underlying data queue.
TD queue name on remote system REMOTENAME The name by which this queue is known in the remote system.
Remote system ID REMOTESYSTEM The system ID of the remote CICS system where the queue resides.