Global transient data queue attributes - TDQGBL

The Global transient data queues (TDQGBL) views display information about intrapartition transient data queue usage.

Supplied views

To access from the main menu, click:

CICS operations views > Transient data queue (TDQ) operations views > Global transient data queue attributes

Table 1. Views in the supplied Global transient data queue attributes (TDQGBL) view set
View Notes
Global transient data queue attributes


Detailed information about transient data queues in a selected CICS system
Global transient data queue attributes


Tabular information about transient data queues in CICS systems




Table 2. Fields in TDQGBL views
Field Attribute name Description
Number of intrapartition accesses ACCESSCNT The number of times intrapartition buffers have been accessed.
Number of intrapartition buffers BUFFERS The number of intrapartition buffers specified in the system initialization table (SIT) or SIT overrides.
Number of intrapartition buffer waits BUFFWAITS The number of times a request was queued because all buffers were allocated to other tasks.
Number of control intervals CINUM The number of currently active control intervals.
Control interval size CISIZE The size of the control interval, in bytes.
Number of current buffer waits CURBUFFWAIT The current number of tasks waiting because no buffers are available.
Number of current buffers with valid data CURBUFVALDA The current number of buffers that contain valid data.
Number of current concurrent buffer accesses CURCONBUFAC The number of intrapartition buffers currently being accessed.
Number of current concurrent string accesses CURCONSTRAC The number of strings currently being accessed.
Number of current string waits CURSTRWAITS The current number of tasks waiting because no strings are available.
Number of formatting writes FMTWRITE The number of times a new control interval was written at the end of the data set to increase the amount of available space.
Number of I/O errors IOERRS The number of I/O errors that occurred on the transient data set.
Number of times NOSPACE occurred NOSPACECNT The number of times a NOSPACE condition was encountered.
Number of control intervals in use NUMCTRLINTV The current number of control intervals in the intrapartition.
Peak number of intrapartition buffer waits PEAKBWAIT The peak number of requests queued because no buffers were available.
Peak number of concurrent intrapartition accesses PEAKCACCESS The peak number of intrapartition buffer accesses at any one time.
Peak number of control intervals used PEAKCIUSE The peak number of control intervals active at any one time.
Peak number of queues that contain data PEAKQACTV The peak number of intrapartition buffers that contained valid data.
Peak number of concurrent string accesses PEAKSTRACC The peak number of strings being accessed at any one time.
Peak number of string waits PEAKSTRWAIT The peak number of tasks waiting for a string at any one time.
Number of data set reads READS The number of times a control interval had to be read from disk.
Number of times string accessed STRACCESS The number of times a string was accessed.
Number of strings STRINGS The total number of currently active strings.
Number of string waits STRNGWAITS The number of times a task had to wait because no strings were available.
Number of writes to data set WRITES The number of WRITE I/O requests to the transient data set.