Task-lifetime storage

You can specify whether user-key or CICS-key storage is used for the storage that CICS® acquires at transaction attach time, and for those elements of storage directly related to the individual application programs in a transaction.

To specify whether user-key or CICS-key storage is used, you use the TASKDATAKEY option on the transaction resource definition. This option governs the type of storage allocated for the following storage areas:
  • The transaction work area (TWA) and the EXEC interface block (EIB)
  • The copies of working storage that CICS obtains for each execution of an application program
  • Any storage obtained for an application program in response to the following storage requests:
    • Explicit requests as a result of GETMAIN commands
    • Implicit requests as a result of a CICS command that uses the SET option

For information about how to specify the TASKDATAKEY parameter, see TRANSACTION attributes.

For an illustration of what TASKDATAKEY controls for both task lifetime storage and program working storage, see Figure 1.

For programming information about EXEC CICS commands, see CICS command summary .