Statistics Alerts view

The Statistics Alerts view provides details of statistical alerts that CICS® PA has captured and loaded into the host DB2® database. You can use the Statistics Alerts view to display data sets with specific criteria that you want to monitor over a short time period, for example, from day to day.

The Statistics Alerts view shows any statistics alerts in the CICS PA database for the currently selected APPLID. You can then scope which alerts are displayed by type and by time period. You can filter the alerts in the view and hide specified alerts in the CICS PA plug-in. If a visualization is available for an alert, you can open that visualization, and you can open the statistics record that is related to an alert. You can also view statistics related to an alert by extracting a specified set of records.

The Statistics Alerts view is available in the CICS PA perspective and the CICS SM perspective. If you are in the CICS SM perspective, you must also be connected to the CICS PA database to see data in this view.

You can display statistics alerts that CICS PA has captured from CICS Transaction Server or CICS Transaction Gateway.

For more information, see Viewing statistics alerts.

Statistics Alerts view

If you are familiar with using reports, you can retrieve additional information that the statistics visualization views do not provide. SeeWorking with reports.