SSL security for Explorer connections

When required, you can secure connections between CICS Explorer® and CICS® systems by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. You specify the security and certificate management preferences that apply to secure connections between CICS Explorer and CICS systems, then specify whether to use security when you configure each CICS system connection.

Security and certificate management preferences

By default, certificate management is enabled for CICS Explorer.

Java™ 7 includes increased security, so CICS Explorer now connects only to TCP/IP services configured with STRONG encryption. CICS uses STRONG encryption by default. The MEDIUM level of encryption that is offered by CICS is no longer compatible. If you attempt to connect CICS Explorer Version 5.1 or later to a CICS region with MEDIUM level of encryption, the following errors occur:
  • In CICS Explorer IZE0106E Connect failed with error " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure (SYSA CMCI SECURE)"
  • In the job log DFHSO0123 09/19/2012 10:13:22 IYCYZC2K Return code 402 received from function 'gsk_secure_socket_init' of System SSL. Reason: No common ciphers negotiated. Peer:, TCPIPSERVICE: XFHWUTCP.

You can use the Security and certificate management pane in the Preferences window to turn trust verification on or off, to define keystores for your certificates, and to configure smart card access.

The security and certificate management dialog

Use the Security and certificate management pane to define a keystore and a truststore, and to configure a smart card.
  • A keystore is an encrypted file that contains the certificates that are presented to another system to authenticate you.
  • A truststore is a type of keystore that contains SSL certificates that are used to verify that a server can be trusted. The truststore can be held in a central location.
  • A smart card or CAC (Common Access Card) is inserted into a reader on your PC and contains certificates that are used to authenticate you to a host server. You must install a compatible driver to access a smart card; either configure a specific PKCS11 driver from disk or on Windows, use the operating system cryptography support.
To connect by using a certificate of your choice (from a keystore on disk, or on a smart card) you must create a new credential of the appropriate type in the Host Connections View.

You can also use some optional parameters that provide explicit control of some of the protocols that are used during connection negotiation. Ask your network administrator for information about the keystores in your organization.

CICS Explorer provides a default keystore in the user's workspace that can serve as both a truststore and keystore. The default pass phrase for the truststore is changeit.

Note: Leave the Secure socket protocol set to default unless instructed by your network administrator. When set to default, CICS Explorer automatically negotiates the most secure connection with the server.

For more information, see Managing SSL security and certificates in IBM Explorer for z/OS product documentation.

CICS system connection configuration

When you configure a CICS system connection, the Add Connection window includes an option to select SSL security for the connection. Certificate authentication can be used only with an SSL-secured connection. The following example shows the Add CMCI Connection window.

Add CMCI Connection window showing the Secure connection check box

Note: When you attempt to connect, the following message might occur, even when Secure connection (TLS/SSL) is set correctly:
  • IZE0106E Connect failed with error "Unexpected end of file from server"
This exception would also apply if the port is not in use on the server. For security reasons, the SSL port does not respond with the reason for the connection failure, so that an unauthorized user does not receive any useful information.

When you make a connection, CICS Explorer checks that the SSL settings are the same at each end of the connection. For example, if you do not select Secure connection (TLS/SSL), but the server expects SSL, the connection fails. In this situation, for the first connection attempt, CICS Explorer shows a message that indicates the mismatch and provides the option to attempt the connection again with SSL enabled.

Connection security failure dialog with the Ambiguity in connection security message.

The Ambiguity dialog is shown only for existing or old connections where the SSL setting was not confirmed by a previous version of CICS Explorer such as an Explorer upgrade or an import (not load).

If you connect to a server for the first time, CICS Explorer prompts you to accept the certificate if it does not exist in the keystores.

Certificate alert

Read the information in the certificate carefully and satisfy yourself that this connection is to the server you expect and that the connection is valid. If you click OK, the certificate is accepted and stored in the keystore. It is then used on every subsequent attempt to connect with this server. You are not prompted again to check the certificate.

You can manage the certificates in your keystore with the iKeyman utility. This utility is supplied as part of the IBM Java Security Socket Extension package.