TSMODEL attributes

Describes the syntax and attributes of the TSMODEL resource.

You can provide a description of the resource that you are defining in this field. The description text can be up to 58 characters in length. No restrictions apply to the characters that you can use. However, if you use parentheses, ensure that for each left parenthesis there is a matching right one. If you use the CREATE command, for each single apostrophe in the text, code two apostrophes.
Start of change Specifies the expiry interval, in minutes, for a temporary storage queue that matches this model. CICS® uses the value rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10 minutes. The interval count begins after each use of the temporary storage queue. If the queue is not used again before the expiry interval is reached, the queue becomes eligible for CICS to delete it automatically.
No expiry interval applies to temporary storage queues that match this model, and they are never eligible for automatic deletion. This setting is the default.
Start of changeAn expiry interval in minutes, in the range 1 - 900000. After this expiry interval, a temporary storage queue that matches this model becomes eligible for automatic deletion if it has not been used again.End of change
Expiry intervals apply to temporary storage queues in the following locations:
  • Main temporary storage in the local CICS region.
  • Nonrecoverable auxiliary temporary storage (DFHTEMP data set) associated with the local CICS region.
  • Start of changeTemporary storage queues in shared temporary storage pools (CICS TS 5.2 and higher).End of change
Expiry intervals do not apply to the following types of temporary storage queues, so CICS never deletes them automatically:
  • Queues in auxiliary temporary storage that are defined as recoverable.
  • Queues in a remote CICS region. To make CICS delete remote temporary storage queues, specify an expiry interval in a suitable TSMODEL resource definition in the region that owns the queues.
  • Queues that CICS creates for its own use.

If you change the expiry interval in a TSMODEL resource definition, existing temporary storage queues that match the model are not affected. Those queues continue to use the expiry interval that applied when they were created. If all the TSMODEL resource definitions with a nonzero expiry interval are deleted from a CICS region, CICS stops scanning for expired temporary storage queues.

End of change
Every resource definition must have a GROUP name. The resource definition becomes a member of the group and is installed in the CICS system when the group is installed.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.

The GROUP name can be up to 8 characters in length. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters.

Specifies whether the queue is to be held in auxiliary or main storage:
Queues matching this model are to be held in auxiliary temporary storage. Whatever is specified on the API request is disregarded.
Queues matching this model are to be held in main temporary storage. Whatever is specified on the API request is disregarded.

LOCATION is ignored for temporary storage models that relate to remote queues and to queues in shared temporary storage pools. Using LOCATION in a TSMODEL resource definition for a remote queue allows the same definition to be installed in both a local and remote region. See .

Specifies the name of the shared TS pool definition that you want to use with this TSMODEL resource definition. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ # _
Any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
Embedded blanks are not acceptable and a name consisting entirely of blanks is treated as though no pool name had been supplied.

You cannot specify POOLNAME if REMOTESYSTEM is also specified.

CICS does not search for a matching TSMODEL resource definition if an application program specifies a SYSID on the EXEC CICS temporary storage command, or if a SYSID is added by an XTSEREQ global user exit program. To enable CICS to find the name of a temporary storage data sharing pool when the application program explicitly specifies a SYSID, you must use a temporary storage table (TST) with a suitable TYPE=SHARED entry.

Specifies the character string that CICS uses to identify matching temporary storage queues. The prefix can be up to 16 characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >

In the simplest case, a prefix matches the TS queue names that start with the prefix. For example, the prefix ABCD matches queue names ABCD, ABCDE, and ABCD99.

You can use the generic character (+) one or more times within the prefix to match any character in a TS queue name. For example, the prefix A++D matches queue names: ABCD, A99D, and ABCD99. It does not match ABD. You do not need to specify + characters at the end of a prefix; you can think of a prefix as being padded on the right with + characters, up to the maximum length of a TS queue name (16 characters). For example, a prefix of ABC is exactly equivalent to a prefix of ABC+ or ABC+++++.

When you use the + character in a prefix, you might find that, considered individually, more than one prefix matches a TS queue name. In this situation, CICS uses the following rules to select the matching TS model:
  • Characters that are exactly specified in the prefix are a stronger match than the + character.
  • Characters are compared one at a time, from left to right, and matching characters are a stronger match the further to the left they are.
For example:
  • Queue name ABCD99 matches prefix ABCD rather than AB+D: In the first prefix, the four matching characters are specified exactly; in the second, only three characters are specified exactly.
  • Queue name ABCD99 matches prefix ABC+ rather than AB+D: In both prefixes, the same number of matching characters are specified exactly. However, the third character that matches exactly is further to the left in the first prefix.

Creating a TSMODEL definition with a blank prefix can produce unexpected results. A TSMODEL definition with a blank prefix matches any queue name that is not matched by any other TSMODEL definition, so the scope of its effect might be widespread. For example, it will certainly affect other queues created by the API; some queues might be matched and hence will potentially expire (and be deleted) when should not.

To enable CICS to find the name of a temporary storage data sharing pool when the application program explicitly specifies a SYSID, you must use a temporary storage table (TST) with a suitable TYPE=SHARED entry.

Specifies whether queues matching this model are to be recoverable.
Queues matching this model are unrecoverable.
Queues matching this model are recoverable.

RECOVERY(YES) is not allowed with LOCATION(MAIN).

Specifies the character string that CICS uses to identify matching temporary storage queues in the remote system. The prefix can be up to 16 characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >

REMOTEPREFIX is not allowed unless REMOTESYSTEM is also specified. The length of the REMOTEPREFIX attribute must be the same as the PREFIX attribute.

The rules for character matching in the REMOTEPREFIX attribute are the same as for the PREFIX attribute. If you use + characters for generic matching, they must be in the same position in PREFIX and REMOTEPREFIX. For example:
  • PREFIX: A++D
Specifies the name of the connection that links the local system to the remote system where the temporary storage queue resides.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z 0-9 $ @ #
Unless you are using the CREATE command, any lowercase characters that you enter are converted to uppercase.
Embedded blanks are not acceptable and a name consisting entirely of blanks is treated as though no remote system had been specified.

REMOTESYSTEM and POOLNAME are mutually exclusive. If REMOTESYSTEM is specified, POOLNAME is ignored.

Specifies whether security checking is to be performed for queues matching this model.
Security checking is not to be performed for queues matching this model.
Security checking is to be performed for queues matching this model.
For more information, see Security for temporary storage.
Specifies the name of this TSMODEL resource definition. The name can be up to eight characters in length.
Acceptable characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >
Embedded blanks are not acceptable.

This name is used to identify the TSMODEL resource definition on the CSD file. It is not used within the active CICS system.

Can be used as an alternative to PREFIX. Enter a hexadecimal string, up to 32 characters in length, that is to be used as the prefix for this model. Because XPREFIX is specified in hexadecimal form, you can use a name that contains characters that you cannot enter in the PREFIX attribute.

To specify generic characters in the XPREFIX attribute, code X'4E'.

The rules for matching the XPREFIX to TS queue names are the same as they are for the PREFIX attribute.

Can be used as an alternative to REMOTEPREFIX. Enter a hexadecimal string, up to 32 characters in length, that is to be used as the prefix on the remote system. Because XREMOTEPFX is specified in hexadecimal form, you can use a name that contains characters that you cannot enter in the REMOTEPREFIX attribute.

To specify generic characters in the XPREFIX attribute, code X'4E'.

The rules for matching the XREMOTEPFX to TS queue names are the same as they are for the REMOTEPREFIX attribute.