Using CMCI to query system initialization parameters

You use a CMCI GET request operating on the CICSSystemParameter external resource to discover information about system initialization parameters and their overrides.

Before you begin

You must have a connection with the CMCI; for more information, see .

Ensure that the system initialization parameters to be retrieved were valid for the CICS region at CICS startup. The retrieval operation can behave inconsistently if invalid parameter values have been corrected from the console at startup. Some parameters will show the corrected values while others will display their original SIT values.

About this task

A CMCI request can retrieve system initialization table parameters, system initialization table overrides, or a combination of both.

In common with many other CICSPlex SM operations, you can control which CICS regions the retrieval operates on by specifying context and scope.

Complete the following steps to retrieve information about system initialization parameters and their overrides.


  1. Form a CMCI request using the HTTP GET method and specifying CICSSystemParameter as the resource name.
    1. Use the context and scope parameters to specify which CICS regions the request is to operate on.
    2. In the URI, use a parameter expression incorporating the parameters PARMSRCE and PARMTYPE to specify which parameters or overrides to retrieve.
      Both of these parameters are mandatory. For PARMTYPE, you must specify a value of SIT. For PARMSRCE, specify one of the following options:
      Combination of the original system initialization table definitions and any applied parameter overrides
      Override parameters as specified at startup on the system console
      Override parameters provided through a JCL EXEC PGM statement
      Override parameters from the startup job stream defined in the SYSIN data set
      The original system initialization table values extracted from the DFHSITxx load module
    For more information about GET requests, see CICS management client interface GET requests.
  2. Submit the CMCI request.
    The parameters and override values are returned in the order of the KEYWORD attribute of the SYSPARM resource table irrespective of their order in the source, for example the SYSIN data set.

    This behavior can produce unexpected results for the override parameters combinations: SPCTR and SPCTRxx, and STNTR and STNTRxx because the order in which these pairs are specified is significant. For example, if you specify SPCTRAP=ALL followed by SPCTR=OFF, SPCTRAP tracing is not available but if you specify SPCTR=OFF followed by SPCTRAP=ALL, SPCTRAP tracing is available. However a request against the SYSPARM resource always returns SPCTR before SPCTRxx.


  • This request retrieves the values of the control tables suffixes set to for region REGION in the CICSplex MYPLEX.
    The request returns a result summary and a number of matching records, for example:
    <resultsummary api_response1="1024" api_response2="0" api_response1_alt="OK" api_response2_alt="" 
    recordcount="10" displayed_recordcount="10" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="C3D3E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="CLT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="NO" valuelen="2" />
    < cicssystemparameter _keydata="C6C3E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="FCT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="NO" valuelen="2" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="D4C3E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="MCT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="NO" valuelen="2" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="D4E7E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="MXT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="SYSIN" 
    totallen="3" type="SIT" value="100" valuelen="3" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="D9E2E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="RST" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="NO" valuelen="2" />
    < cicssystemparameter _keydata="E2C9E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="SIT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="SYSIN" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="EU" valuelen="2" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="E2D9E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="SRT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="1$" valuelen="2" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="E3C3E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="TCT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="DY" valuelen="2" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="E3E2E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="TST" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="NO" valuelen="2" />
    <cicssystemparameter _keydata="E7D3E3404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404000000001" 
    eyu_cicsname="WLW26W1" eyu_cicsrel="E660" eyu_reserved="0" keyword="XLT" segnum="1" segtot="1" source="TABLE" 
    totallen="2" type="SIT" value="NO" valuelen="2" />
  • The following request retrieves the values set for the MXT (MAX TASKS) system initialization parameter for all the regions in the CICsplex MYPLEX.
  • The following retrieves the values of the control tables suffixes set to for region REGION in the CICSplex MYPLEX.
  • The following request retrieves the names of the regions in CICSplex MYPLEX that have turned off the default runaway task time interval.
  • The following request retrieves the overrides applied to the region REGION in the CICSplex MYPLEX by the SYSIN override.
  • The following request retrieves the overrides applied to the region REGION in the CICSplex MYPLEX by the JCL override.