Creating the map

BMS provides three assembler language macro instructions (macros) for defining maps. This method of map definition is still widely used, and this is the method that is described here.

However, there are also other products for creating maps which exploit the facilities of the display terminal to make the map creation process easier. They produce the same outputs as the BMS macros, generally with less programmer effort.

One of these is the Screen Definition Facility II (SDF II). SDF II allows you to build your screens directly from a display station, testing the appearance and usability as you go. You can find out more about SDF II in Screen Definition Facility II General Introduction Part 1 and Screen Definition Facility II General Introduction Part 2.

The three assembler macros used to define BMS maps are:
defines an individual field on a screen or page.
defines a single map as a collection of fields.
groups single maps into a map set.

The explanation of this process begins by telling you how to define individual fields. Then it goes on to describe how to get from the fields to a complete map, and from a map to a map set (the assembly unit). BMS is designed principally for 3270-type terminals, although it supports nearly all types. See The 3270 family of terminals for information on 3270 terms.