Support for Java servlets and JSP pages

CICS® provides a web container for the deployment of lightweight Java™ servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs). Developers can use the features of the Java servlet and JSP specifications to write modern web applications for CICS.

CICS provides a web container that runs in a JVM server and is built on the WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile technology. The Liberty profile helps developers to quickly and easily develop and test applications in a web server with minimal configuration and a quick startup time.

The Liberty JVM server provides a runtime environment for Java servlets and JSP applications. It includes an OSGi framework and so fits in the existing JVM server architecture. It thus combines the ability to develop modern web applications with a robust and scalable CICS JVM server environment.

Key benefits for running a Liberty JVM server include, but are not limited to, the following capabilities:

Notes for CICS TS Version 5.1 with APAR PM80214

CICS TS v5.1 with APAR PM80214 uses a Liberty JVM server that is based on WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile Version 8.5.0 Fix Pack 1. This fix pack introduces a restriction that prevents access to OSGi bundles from servlets that are deployed from a WAR file. The restriction includes access to application bundles installed by CICS. To overcome this restriction, you can deploy your applications as Enterprise Bundle Archive (EBA) files.

The DB2 driver bundles become invisible to existing applications. To overcome this restriction, the DB2 driver bundles are defined as a Liberty feature. To allow your existing applications to use DB2 with Liberty running in a JVM server, perform the following steps:
  1. Update your server.xml file to include the Liberty CICS JDBC Feature cicsts:jdbc-1.0. For more information, see The Liberty profile server.xml file for a JVM server.
  2. Update the JVM profile to include the driver location property, for example:

    Alternatively, add the DB2 driver .jar files to OSGI_BUNDLES and add the native driver directory to LIBPATH_SUFFIX in the JVM profile.

  3. Dynamic web applications (WAR files) do not need to be changed.
  4. For EBA applications, for each WAB or OSGi bundle that uses DB2, include an Import-Package header for in the bundle manifest.

The ability to install OSGi bundles from CICS Bundle resources or by using the JVM profile OSGI_BUNDLES property might be removed or restricted in a future release.

Notes for CICS TS Version 5.1 with APAR PM91667

The following CICS Liberty features have been renamed under APAR PM91667:
  • cicsts-1.0 has been renamed cicsts:core-1.0
  • cicstsSecurity-1.0 has been renamed cicsts:security-1.0
  • cicstsJdbc-1.0 has been renamed cicsts:jdbc-1.0
The configuration item,
 <include location="cicsSecurity.xml"/>
is no longer required by the CICS security feature and can be removed by editing server.xml. If in the JVM profile, CICS will update the configuration (server.xml) for you.

dfhe4_overview.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019