Using the CEDX transaction

Use CEDX to monitor and debug non-terminal transactions.

The transaction you specify for debugging can be:
  • Initiated without an associated terminal; for example, by an EXEC CICS START command, or by a transient data queue trigger-level.
  • Initiated at a terminal, which can be either the EDF terminal or a different terminal.

CICS intercepts the transaction specified on the CEDX tranid command, and displays the EDF diagnostic panels at the terminal at which the EDF command is issued.

CEDX provides the same function and diagnostic display panels as CEDF, and the same basic rules for CEDF also apply to CEDX. However, CICS uses the RESSEC and CMDSEC values of the CEDF transaction to authorize the use of the CEDX transaction.

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram


Command options

specifies that the EDF screen is to be switched OFF. If you specify OFF you must enter the preceding comma, as shown in the following example:
specifies that the EDF screen is to be switched ON. The default is ON. If you specify ON you must enter the preceding comma, as shown in the following example:
specifies the identifier of a transaction that you want to test using the execution diagnostic facility. The diagnostic panels are displayed on the terminal at which you issue the CEDX tranid command.

The transaction you specify on the CEDX command must run in the local CICS region (CRTE followed by CEDX is not allowed).

CEDX cannot interrupt transactions that are already running when you issue the CEDX command. It affects only a transaction that starts after you issue the command.

The following diagram illustrates the use of CEDX to invoke EDF for a transaction initiated by an EXEC CICS START command. It shows two terminals. The CICS terminal used for EDF issues a CEDX command before BBBB is started, to invoke EDF services to intercept and debug the specified transaction. The CICS user terminal issues an EXEC CICS START command to start BBBB, without a terminal.

Note: For Accessibility: Your web browser might not show the following diagram in a way that is readable for you. The diagram shows a graphical representation of the example described above.
Figure 1. Invoking EDF by CEDX
┌────────────┐                           ┌────────────┐
│    CICS    │                           │ CICS  user │
│  terminal  │          ┌──────┐         │  terminal  │
│    used    ├─────────→│ BBBB │         │            │
│   for EDF  │          ⋘──────┘         │Transaction │
│            │          Transaction      │AAAA  starts│
│ CEDX BBBB  │          BBBB started     │    BBBB    │
⋘────────────┘                           ⋘────────────┘
 The CEDX command is                    AAAA issues
 issued at this terminal,               EXEC CICS START
 before  BBBB is                        command to start
 started, to invoke EDF                 BBBB, without
 services to intercept and              a terminal.
 debug the specified

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