Security for platforms and applications

You can secure resources for applications that are deployed on platforms by creating RACF® security profiles for CICSPlex® SM in the CPSMOBJ class to cover platforms and applications in a CICSplex.

Security for platforms and applications is set up in a similar way to security for other CICSPlex SM components. You control access to a specific set of views (and their associated action commands) by identifying the set in a security profile. With these security profiles, you can give users authority to install, enable or disable, inquire on, or discard platforms and applications, and ensure that unauthorized users cannot create and administer these resources.

When you give a user authority to perform an action on a platform or application, you also give them authority to perform the same action on the dynamically generated resources for the platform or application. For example, a user who has authority to enable an application also has authority to enable the CICS® bundles for the application that were installed in CICS regions in all the platforms in the CICSplex. CICS command and resource security checks, and simulated CICS security checking in CICSPlex SM, are not carried out when you operate on CICS bundles through an application or platform.

You can secure a platform and its deployed applications by setting up security profiles with the following function and type combinations:
This security profile covers the PLATDEF and APPLDEF resource tables, which contain the definitions for platforms and applications. context is the specific or generic name of the CICSplex that is covered by the security profile.

Users with UPDATE access for this security profile can create, update, and remove definitions for platforms and applications in the CICSPlex SM data repository. Users with READ access can view those definitions in the CICSPlex SM data repository.

This security profile covers the installation of PLATDEF resources and operations on PLATFORM resources. It also allows users to view management parts (MGMTPART resources). context is the specific or generic name of the CICSplex that is covered by the security profile.

Users with ALTER access for this security profile can install platforms in the CICSplex and discard them. (To install a platform, users also need READ access for the CLOUD.DEF profile that covers the PLATDEF resource.) Users with UPDATE access can enable and disable platforms. Start of changeUsers with UPDATE access can also add CICS regions to region types in the platform and remove CICS regions from region types in the platform.End of change Users with READ access can view PLATFORM resources and MGMTPART resources. These permissions apply for all platforms that exist in the CICSplex.

This security profile covers the installation of APPLDEF resources and operations on APPLCTN resources. context is the specific or generic name of the CICSplex that is covered by the security profile.

Users with ALTER access for this security profile can install applications in the CICSplex and discard them. (To install an application, users also need READ access for the CLOUD.DEF profile that covers the APPLDEF resource.) Users with UPDATE access can enable and disable applications. Users with READ access can view APPLCTN resources. These permissions apply for all applications in all platforms that exist in the CICSplex. If you require different security permissions for certain applications, use a different CICSplex to host the platform where you deploy the application.

Note: These security profiles are only checked in the maintenance point CMAS. Security checks are reported by message EYUCR0009I in the EYULOG of the maintenance point CMAS. To receive message EYUCR0009I for violations you must set the CICSPlex SM system parameter (EYUPARM) SECLOGMSG to YES. For more information about SECLOGMSG, see CICSPlex SM system parameters.
Although the CLOUD security profiles cover actions on the dynamically generated resources for the platform or application, users may still carry out a limited set of actions directly on individual resources in the CICSplex and CICS regions where they are installed: CICS command and resource security checks, and simulated CICS security checking in CICSPlex SM, do apply when you perform an action directly on a CICS region that is part of a platform, or on an individual CICS bundle, or a resource defined in a CICS bundle, that was created when you installed a platform or application.

If you used CICS bundles in earlier CICS releases, check the security permissions that you gave to users for those bundles. Depending on the way in which you set up security for CICS bundles, users with authority to take actions on individual CICS bundles might now be able to act on resources that are dynamically created as part of the installation of a bundle. Ensure that the levels of authority for BUNDLE resources are still appropriate.

Table 1 summarizes the security checks that apply to actions performed on a platform, an application, an individual CICS bundle that was dynamically created when you installed a platform or application, or a resource defined in a CICS bundle for a platform or application.
Table 1. Security checks for operations on platforms, applications, and generated CICS bundles
Operation Platforms, including their CICS bundles Applications, including their CICS bundles Dynamically created CICS bundles Resources defined in dynamically created CICS bundles
Define CLOUD.DEF profile (UPDATE, or READ to view definitions); also TOPOLOGY.DEF profile (UPDATE to modify individual CICS region CSYSDEF after platform install) CLOUD.DEF profile (UPDATE, or READ to view definitions) Cannot manage resource definitions individually Cannot manage resource definitions individually
Install CLOUD.PLATFORM profile (ALTER) and CLOUD.DEF profile (READ) CLOUD.APPLICATION profile (ALTER) and CLOUD.DEF profile (READ) Cannot install individually Cannot install individually
Enable or disable CLOUD.PLATFORM profile (UPDATE) CLOUD.APPLICATION profile (UPDATE) CICS command and resource security, and simulated CICS security checking in CICSPlex SM; use BUNDLE.$* profile Cannot enable or disable individually
Inquire CLOUD.PLATFORM profile (READ); also allows viewing of management parts CLOUD.APPLICATION profile (READ) CICS command and resource security, and simulated CICS security checking in CICSPlex SM; use BUNDLE.$* profile CICS command and resource security, and simulated CICS security checking in CICSPlex SM
Discard CLOUD.PLATFORM profile (ALTER) CLOUD.APPLICATION profile (ALTER) Cannot discard individually Cannot discard individually

For more information on setting up security for CICSPlex SM and creating security profiles, see Implementing CICSPlex SM security.

cloud_security.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019