An Initialize_User command has been issued on an MVS™ image that has had no IRC activity since the previous IPL, and the external CICS® interface cannot determine the CICS SVC number.


System Action

The Initialize_User call fails, and the external CICS interface invokes the user-replaceable module, DFHXCURM.

User Response

Ensure that a CICS region in the MVS image has logged on to IRC (that is, has started up with the system initialization parameter IRCSTRT=YES or has started IRC dynamically with an OPEN IRC command). Alternatively, if there is no local CICS region in the MVS image, you must specify the SVC parameter that the external CICS interface is to use, by coding a CICSSVC parameter in the DFHXCOPT table. This situation can occur if you are using XCF to communicate to a CICS region in another MVS image. Once the problem has been resolved, re-issue the Initialize_User request.

dfhtmc00109.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019