Automatic transaction initiation (ATI)

For intrapartition queues, CICS® provides the option of automatic transaction initiation (ATI). A basis for ATI is established by the system programmer by specifying a nonzero trigger level for a particular intrapartition destination.

When the number of entries (created by WRITEQ TD commands issued by one or more programs) in the queue reaches the specified trigger level, a transaction specified in the definition of the queue is automatically initiated. Control is passed to a program that processes the data in the queue; the program must issue repetitive READQ TD commands to deplete the queue.

When the queue has been emptied, a new ATI cycle begins. That is, a new task is scheduled for initiation when the specified trigger level is again reached, whether execution of the earlier task has ended. The exact point at which a new ATI cycle begins depends on whether the queue is defined as logically recoverable. If the queue is defined with a recoverability attribute (RECOVSTATUS) of No or Physical, the new ATI cycle begins when the queue is read to QZERO. But if the queue is defined with a recoverability attribute of Logical, the new ATI cycle begins only after the task terminates after having read the queue to QZERO.

If an automatically initiated task does not empty the queue, access to the queue is not inhibited. The task can be normally or abnormally ended before the queue is emptied (that is, before a QZERO condition occurs in response to a READQ TD command). If the contents of the queue are to be sent to a terminal, and the previous task completed normally, the fact that QZERO has not been reached means that trigger processing has not been reset and the same task is reinitiated. A subsequent WRITEQ TD command does not trigger a new task if trigger processing has not been reset.

If the contents of the queue are to be sent to a file, the termination of the task has the same effect as QZERO (that is, trigger processing is reset). The next WRITEQ TD command initiates the trigger transaction (if the trigger level has been reached).

If the trigger level of a queue is zero, no task is automatically initiated.

If a queue is logically recoverable, initiation of the trigger transaction is deferred until the next sync point.

If the trigger level has already been exceeded because the last triggered transaction abended before clearing the queue, or because the transaction was never started because the MXT limit was reached, another task is not scheduled. This is because QZERO has not been raised to reset trigger processing. If the contents of a queue are destined for a file, the termination of the task resets trigger processing and means that the next WRITEQ TD command triggers a new task.

To ensure that an automatically initiated task completes when the queue is empty, the application program should test for a QZERO condition in preference to some other application-dependent factor (such as an anticipated number of records). Only the QZERO condition indicates an emptied queue.

If the contents of a queue are to be sent to another system, the session name is held in EIBTRMID. If a transaction (started with a destination of system) abends, a new transaction is started in the same way as a terminal.

If you use ATI with a transient data trigger mechanism, it might create inter-transaction affinities that adversely affect your ability to perform dynamic transaction routing. See Affinity for more information about transaction affinity.

A trigger transaction is shunted if it suffers from an indoubt failure. Another trigger transaction is not attached until the shunted UOW commits or backs out the changes it has made following resynchronization.

Transactions that are initiated because of a transient data trigger-level transaction do not create previous hop data and are treated as executing at a point of origin. For more information about previous hop data, see Previous hop data characteristics.

dfhp386.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019