IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

Setting Up a Thin Client Application Development Environment Using CEWS Transport

The information in this procedure assists you in setting up your client application by using the Content Engine Web Service (CEWS) transport. This procedure is applicable if you have a combination of application servers for which EJB transport is not supported (for example, Oracle WebLogic Application Server on the client and WebSphere® Application Server for the Content Engine server).

  1. Create and deploy a custom EAR or WAR file in which the WAR\WEB-INF\lib folder contains the .jar files listed under "Required for a Content Engine Java™ API CEWS transport client" in the Required Java Archive (JAR) Files topic.
  2. On the application server of the client application, set the EAR and WAR class loader order to load classes from the local class path first and from the parent application server class path last.
    • For WebSphere Version 7: Navigate to applicationPage >Class loading and update detection and select PARENT_LAST.
    • For Oracle WebLogic: Edit the weblogic.xml file to set the EAR and WAR class loader policy as follows:

      This change causes the class loader to load classes from the local class path first and from the parent application server class path last.

    • For JBoss: No changes are necessary.
  3. Configure LDAP settings for communications between the application server and Content Engine. For JBoss and WebLogic, you must edit the appropriate configuration file. For WebSphere Application Server, you can perform this step from the administrative console.

    For JBoss

    1. On the client application server, make a backup copy of the configuration file. Typically, the configuration file you need to modify is in the following directory, although the location of the file on your system might be different: JBoss_home/server/server_name/conf/login-config.xml, where JBoss_home and server_name are your own JBoss home location and server name.
    2. Open the configuration file with a text editor, and just before the final </policy> line of the file, add an entry <application-policy name="FileNetP8WSI"> that exactly matches the corresponding entry in the configuration file on the Content Engine server. Example:
      <application-policy name="FileNetP8WSI">
               <login-module code="com.filenet.api.util.WSILoginModule" flag="required"/>
    3. Save your changes and restart the JBoss Application Server.

    For Oracle WebLogic

    1. On the client application server, find or create a jaas.conf.WSI configuration file (for example, /opt/bea/user_projects/domains/ContentEngine/jaas.conf.WSI).
    2. Open the configuration file with a text editor, and add the following stanza to the file:
      FileNetP8WSI { 
            com.filenet.api.util.WSILoginModule required; };
    3. Save your changes and shut down the WebLogic application server.
    4. With a text editor, open either the file (non-Windows) or setDomainEnv.bat file (Windows) and add the following line to the list of options to the JVM:
    5. Save your changes and restart the WebLogic application server.

    For WebSphere Application Server

    From the WebSphere administrative console, take these steps as appropriate for your WebSphere version:

    • For WebSphere Version 7: From the administrative console, navigate to Security > Global security and then click Java Authorization and Authentication Service. Select Application Logins and select the FileNetP8WSI login module from the list.

    If FileNetP8WSI does not appear in the list, you can either add it to the list from Application Logins > New option in your WebSphere version, entering the required information, and then set the login module class name as described; or you can use the generic JVM parameter of

    If you are using the Content Engine Java API, no additional steps are required. However, if you are using the IBM® FileNet® P8 Compatibility Layer, which is a client-side API that allows you to upgrade and maintain applications that are written by using the 3.5.x Content Java API, then you must perform the following additional steps:

  4. Open the file with a text editor. This file is in the install_path\WEB-INF\classes directory.
  5. Modify the file with the following entries (unless your application sets them programmatically):

    where ceServer is your Content Engine server, and port is the port that you are using.

  6. Modify to point jaasConfigurationName to FileNetP8WSI.

Last updated: October 2015

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