IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence, Version

Managing the SNMP monitoring

You can monitor the current IBM® Security Identity Governance and Intelligence virtual appliance status with SNMP. This status shows an SNMP agent, which can be queried by any SNMP manager or monitoring tools that support SNMP to obtain the status of the running virtual appliance.

About this task

When configured, the SNMP agent listens on all management interfaces.

The SNMP Monitoring function can monitor the virtual appliance in an IBM Tivoli® Monitoring environment. Use the Agentless Monitoring for Linux OS agent. For more information about configuring the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment and the Agentless Monitoring for Linux OS agent, see the IBM Knowledge Center.


  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Monitor > Monitoring > SNMP Monitoring.
  2. On the SNMP Monitoring page, click SNMP Monitoring.
  3. Click Reconfigure.
  4. In the Configure SNMP window, select one of these SNMP protocols.
    In the Community field, type the name of the community that the SNMP manager uses to authenticate with the SNMP agent.
    Configure the following options to describe the user that accesses the SNMP agent.
    Option Description
    Security Level The security level of the user.
    Security User Type the name of the user that accesses the SNMP agent.
    Auth Protocol From the Auth Protocol list, select the authentication protocol to use.
    Auth Password Type the password to use for authentication. The password must be minimum 8 characters in length.
    Auth Password (Confirm) Retype the authentication password to confirm.
    Privacy Protocol From the Privacy Protocol list, select the privacy protocol to use.
    Privacy Password Type the password to be used as a privacy passphrase. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length.
    Privacy Password (Confirm) Retype the privacy password to confirm.
  5. In the Port field, type the number that the SNMP agent must listen on. Alternatively, you can also change the port number with the range controller next to it.
    Note: The default port number is 161.
  6. Click Save Configuration. The Enabled field is set to True.
  7. Optional: To disable SNMP Monitoring, do these steps:
    1. On the SNMP Monitoring page, click SNMP Monitoring.
    2. Click Reconfigure.
    3. In the Configure SNMP window, select Disable. The Enabled field is set to False.