Message catalog errors

Before the compiler can compile your program, the message catalogs must be installed and the environment variables LANG and NLSPATH must be set to a language for which the message catalog has been installed.

If you see the following message during compilation, the appropriate message catalog cannot be opened:

Error occurred while initializing the message system in
file: message_file

where message_file is the name of the message catalog that the compiler cannot open. This message is issued in English only.

You must then verify that the message catalogs and the environment variables are in place and correct. If the message catalog or environment variables are not correct, compilation can continue, but diagnostic messages are suppressed and the following message is issued instead:
No message text for message_number
where message_number is the compiler internal message number. This message is issued in English only.
To determine which message catalogs are installed on your system, assuming that you have installed the compiler to the default location, you can list all of the file names for the catalogs by the following command:
ls /opt/IBM/xlc/13.1.0/msg/$LANG/*.cat
where LANG is the environment variable on your system that specifies the system locale.
The compiler calls the default message catalogs in /opt/IBM/xlc/13.1.0/exe/default_msg/ when the locale has never been changed from the default, C.

For more information about the NLSPATH and LANG environment variables, see your operating system documentation.