Creating a System Data Engine data stream definition

From the Common Data Provider tab in the IBM® Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool, you can create a System Data Engine data stream definition to use in a policy.


  1. Before you create a System Data Engine data stream definition, complete the following steps:
    1. On the z/OS® system where the Configuration Tool runs, create a partitioned data set (PDS) that can be used as the concatenation library for storing the data set members that contain the record, update, and, optionally, template and table definitions for this data stream. Only one concatenation library is required for each Configuration Tool. If you already create a concatenation library, skip this step.
      The data set must be defined with the attributes RECFM=VB and LRECL=255, which are the same as those for the SMP/E target data set hlq.SHBODEFS. The following example shows the PDS file USERID.LOCAL.DEFS, where USERID represents your user ID:
      Data Set Name . . . . : USERID.LOCAL.DEFS                                      
       General Data                          Current Allocation                     
        Management class . . : **None**       Allocated cylinders : 10              
        Storage class  . . . : CLASS2         Allocated extents . : 1               
         Volume serial . . . : T10062         Maximum dir. blocks : 20              
         Device type . . . . : 3390                                                 
        Data class . . . . . : **None**                                             
         Organization  . . . : PO            Current Utilization                    
         Record format . . . : VB             Used cylinders  . . : 1               
         Record length . . . : 255            Used extents  . . . : 1               
         Block size  . . . . : 27998          Used dir. blocks  . : 1               
         1st extent cylinders: 10             Number of members . : 0               
         Secondary cylinders : 5                    
      Tip: For each new concatenation library (USER concatenation), you must later set it in the System Data Engine properties, as described in What to do next.
    2. Use the System Data Engine language to create the custom record, update, and optionally template and table definitions, as described in Language reference for System Data Engine.
  2. In the Configuration Tool, click the MANAGE CUSTOM DATA STREAM DEFINITIONS button.
  3. In the resulting Manage Custom Data Stream Definitions window, click the Create System Data Engine data stream definition box.
  4. In the resulting Define System Data Engine Data Stream window, provide values for the following fields:
    Specifies the name of the data stream. The name must be the same as the name of the update definition. For example, if the update is defined by the statement DEFINE UPDATE SMF_CUST_030, the data stream name must be SMF_CUST_030.

    This name is converted to uppercase characters when it is saved.

    The Name value must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. The maximum length is 243 characters.

    In the Configuration Tool, the data stream is included in the list of categorized data streams under the main category Customer Data Streams. For the hierarchy under Customer Data Streams, you must specify the group and subgroup under which you want to include the data stream. The value of Group specifies the group. The following example illustrates the hierarchy, and indicates that MYGROUP is specified as the Group value:
    • Customer Data Streams
      • MYGROUP

    The Group value is case-insensitive. For example, if you specify MyGroup as the value, and a group that is named MYGROUP exists under the main category Customer Data Streams, the Configuration Tool includes the data stream under MYGROUP, and does not create the category MyGroup.

    The Group value must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. The maximum length is 243 characters.

    In the Configuration Tool, the data stream is included in the list of categorized data streams under the main category Customer Data Streams. For the hierarchy under Customer Data Streams, you must specify the group and subgroup under which you want to include the data stream. The value of Subgroup specifies the subgroup. The following example illustrates the hierarchy, and indicates that MYSUBGROUP is specified as the Subgroup value:
    • Customer Data Streams
      • MYGROUP
        • MYSUBGROUP

    The Subgroup value is case-insensitive. For example, if you specify MySubGroup as the value, and a subgroup that is named MYSUBGROUP exists under the group, the Configuration Tool includes the data stream under MYSUBGROUP, and does not create the category MySubGroup.

    The Subgroup value must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. The maximum length is 243 characters.

    SHBODEFS data set members
    Specifies the names of the data set members that contain the record, update, and, optionally, template definitions for this data stream.

    The value of SHBODEFS data set members is case-insensitive and is converted to uppercase characters when it is saved.

    You must list one member per line, and the data stream definitions must be listed in the following order:
    1. Record definition
    2. Update definition
    3. Template definition
    Therefore, if the data stream definitions are in separate data set members, the members must be listed in the following order:
    1. The member that contains the record definition
    2. The member that contains the update definition
    3. The member that contains the template definition
    For example, assume that you want to specify the following data set members:
    • HBORSZ30 for record definition
    • HBOUSZ30 for update definition
    • HBOTSZ30 for template definition
    In this case, you must list the members as shown in the following example:
    • When a custom data stream is added to a policy, the Configuration Tool searches the concatenation libraries in the following order to find the specified data set members:
      1. USER concatenation library
      2. CDP concatenation library
      The concatenation libraries are defined in the System Data Engine properties, as described in SYSTEM DATA ENGINE properties: Defining your System Data Engine environment.
  5. Click OK.
    The data stream is created and available to be included in policies.

What to do next

Add the custom data stream to your policy. For information about creating or updating a policy, see the following information:
Remember: Before you save a policy that includes a custom System Data Engine data stream, you must set the USER concatenation library in the System Data Engine properties, as described in SYSTEM DATA ENGINE properties: Defining your System Data Engine environment.