Operational data

Operational data is data that is generated by the z/OS® system as it runs. This data describes the health of the system and the actions that are taking place on the system. The analysis of operational data by analytics platforms and cognitive agents can produce insights and recommended actions for making the system work more efficiently and for resolving, or preventing, problems.

IBM® Z Common Data Provider can collect the following types of operational data:
  • System Management Facilities (SMF) data
  • z/OS log data from the following sources:
    • Job log, which is output that is written to a data definition (DD) by a running job
    • z/OS UNIX log file, including the UNIX System Services system log (syslogd)
    • Entry-sequenced Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) cluster
    • z/OS system log (SYSLOG)
    • IBM Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS messages
    • IBM WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log
    • z/OS Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) Monitor III reports
  • User application data, which is operational data from your own applications