Task-oriented hyperlinking

You can add hyperlinks that are directly oriented to user tasks, from internal or external locations to IBM OpenPages® with Watson™ views. These hyperlinks can also include filters.

For example, in a notification email to a risk owner, you can include a hyperlink to the Filtered List View for Risks with the Risks Awaiting Assessment filter added to the link.

You can create hyperlinks that include the following target views:
  • The Detail View for a specific object instance, in read-only mode.
  • A specific activity view for an object instance.
  • The Filtered List View for a specific object type with a public filter applied.
  • A specific grid view for an object type with a public filter applied.
  • Add New wizard within the OpenPages application. The wizard opens in its own browser tab instead of a pop-up, even if the user was logged in to OpenPages when they clicked the link.
You can add hyperlinks to the following locations:
  • OpenPages Reports.
  • Notification emails.
  • OpenPages Java™ Server Page (.jsp) file type helper applications.
  • Within the OpenPages application, using computed fields or URL link fields.
The following sample URLs can help you create task-oriented hyperlinks:
  • In the samples the URLs are created by using either the name value, or the resource ID value for views, objects, and filters.
  • If you use a name for a value, replace any spaces in the name with the characters %20. URLs cannot contain spaces.
  • If you use a fileId, viewId, or filterId to create a URL, the values for the Ids are the resource IDs of specific object instances, views, or filters.
  • There is one Filtered List View, but many possible Grid Views. There is one Detail View, but many possible Activity Views.
  • For the Add New wizard hyperlinks you can combine the parameters in more ways than are described in the samples. For example, you can specify a parent without specifying a view.
To Filtered List View with the object type, grid view, and filter specified

/openpages/app/jspview/flv?prmt=<name of the object type>&view=<name of the grid view>&filter=<name of the public filter>

To Filtered List View with the object type, Filtered List View, and filter specified

/openpages/app/jspview/flv?prmt=<name of the object type>&view=Filtered%20List&filter=<name of the public filter>


/openpages/app/jspview/flv?prmt=SOXProcess &view=Filtered%20List&filter=My%20Processes

To Filtered List View or Grid View with the object type, view, and filter specified

In this example, the values are resource IDs instead of names.



To Filtered List View with the object type and view specified (previous filter is applied)

When a filter is not specified, the most recent, previously used filter is applied. The view, and filter parameters are optional.



To Filtered List View or Grid View, object type specified (previous view and filter are applied)


To Detail View or Activity View

In the following examples, the fileId value is expressed by using the <resource ID for the specific object instance>, while the view value is expressed by using either the view ID, or the <name of the view>.

/openpages/view.resource.do?fileId=<resource ID for the specific object instance>&view=<name of the view, which can be Detail, OR the name of one of the specific activity views>



To Add New wizard with only the object type specified

/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of object type>


/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectTypeId=<id of object type>




Object type or object type ID is required in a URL that opens the Add New wizard. It is likely that you would use object type ID only if the URL is generated and the object type id is conveniently available.

To Add New wizard with object type and view specified

/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the view>


View name or ID is optional. If you provide it, it determines the layout of the Add New wizard. You can choose any Creation view or Object View. If you use an Object view with multiple levels of objects, any non-direct children on the second level and all descendants on the third level is ignored. Direct children are used to populate an Associate page in the wizard to enable the associating of children at the same time the object is created.

If no view is specified or the specified view is invalid or disabled, the default Creation view is used. If there is more than one Creation view, the user is prompted to select one.

If there are no Creation views, the Detail view is used.

If the Detail view is disabled or does not exist, the default Object view is used.

For more information about creation views see Creation views.

To Add New wizard with object type, view, and parent object type specified

/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the view>&parentObjType=<name of the parent object type>


/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType= <name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the view>&parentObjTypeId=<id of the parent object type>



Parent object type or parent object type ID is optional. If multiple object types are suitable as parents for this object type, the default is the one specified in the setting Applications/GRCM/Add New Wizard/Parent Object Type Preferences. If the specified parent object type is invalid, it is ignored.
It is likely that you would use parent type ID only if the URL is generated and the object type id is conveniently available.
To Add New wizard with object type, view, and parent specified

/openpages/app/jspview/addNew?objectType=<name of the object type>&viewName=<name of the view>&parentObjType=<name of the parent object type>&parentObjId=<id of the parent object >

Parent object ID is optional. Use this parameter to pre-select the parent on the Parents page of the wizard. If specified, the parent object type is required. If you are not creating the URL programmatically, you can find the parentObjId by navigating to the object in the Detail page and using the prmId parameter. If the specified parent object is invalid, it is ignored.