Supported color palettes for field values

Available colors for field values are based on two Carbon color palettes, Categorical and Monochromatic.

When you apply colors to enumerated fields and fields in charts, colors can be chosen from either the Categorical or the Monochromatic palette. The palettes have been designed to be aesthetically inviting for users. They also maximize contrast between the background color and the colors of the UI elements so that they are compliant with accessibility standards.

The Categorical palette has a light and dark set of colors, which are based on the light and dark themes. When you are defining views and charts, the theme that is applied to the signed on user determines the colors that are available in the categorical palette. If the signed on user is using a light theme, the light color set in the Categorical palette is displayed. If the signed on user is using a dark theme, the dark color set in the Categorical palette is displayed.

How colors display to a user depends on the theme that they're using. The system finds the closest match between how the field or chart was defined and how the theme is defined.

In previous versions, a fixed list of colors was supported. The system finds the closest match between those colors and the Carbon palette colors. Fields must not be redefined. However, you might want to review your field colors and take advantage of the palettes to improve the system to be more visually aesthetic and to meet accessibility standards.

For more information about applying colors, see Apply colors to value ranges and Apply colors to enumerated field values.

For more information about themes, see Themes.

For more information about the palettes, see the following Carbon documentation:

Design tab

On the Design tab, if you choose no color (the white cell), the value renders as transparent.

JSON tab

On the JSON tab, a color is defined in a color property.