Configure the registry to enable associations of child objects

You can make objects available to users for association when a parent object is locked.

For object types that are defined in the Allowed Associations setting, the Add New, Associate, Copy From, and Disassociate actions are enabled and Delete is disabled.

For object types that are not defined in the Allowed Associations setting, the Add New, Associate, Copy From, Disassociate, and Delete actions are disabled.

Applications > GRCM > Locked Objects > Allowed Associations
Default: none
Values: In the Value field, type the exact name of one or more child object types.

Find the object name listed under the Allowed Associations folder (for example, SOXBusEntity).

Note: If you have multiple object types, add a comma to separate each object type name.

When a Business Entity is locked, users can add, associate, copy, and disassociate processes to the locked Business Entity.

Note: The Disassociation action is not enabled on a detail page until you select the object you want to disassociate.