Enable the CodeCogs Equation Editor in Rich Text fields

When you enable the CodeCogs Equation Editor with the Enable CodeCogs(r) Equation Editors setting, users can enter mathematical equations in Rich Text fields. The equations are rendered in all views. They are also represented in Cognos® reports in HTML output.

In all Rich Text fields you can click the new fx icon in the toolbar to open a dialog where you can enter or update a mathematical equation. You can save and render an equation on the screen in both read only and edit mode. You can load or update them in a Rich Text field with ObjectManager and FastMap. You can also export them to Microsoft Excel from a Filtered List View or Grid.

The equation editor is only available in English.

There is source downloaded from a third-party web site, codecogs.com. If the equation editor is enabled, this site is automatically added to the security allow-list. The LaTeX version of a formula is sent to the CodeCogs web site, which returns an image of the formatted formula. If TLS/SSL is used, the formula is encrypted in transit. However, CodeCogs has access to your formula.

The formulas are displayed only in the Change History under the Source tab, not the Changes tab. In the Change History, an inserted or changed equation is highlighted in color in the Source tab. However, the color highlight is not currently supported for equations in the Changes tab.

Applications > Common > Rich Text Editor > Third Party plugins > Enable CodeCogs(r) Equation Editors
Default: false
  • true - equation editor is enabled.
  • false - equation editor is disabled.