Generating the reporting framework

When you generate the Reporting Framework V6, the packages for all or selected framework models are published to the Cognos® server with relationship and dimensional subnamespaces.

Note: You should not use IBM® Cognos Framework Manager to modify the packages. The packages are dynamically created and recreated when you launch the OpenPages® Reporting Framework Generator. If you made changes using IBM Cognos Framework Manager, those changes are lost when you launch the OpenPages Reporting Framework Generator. If you would like to create a custom Cognos package, see your OpenPages Managing Consultant.

Regenerating the reporting framework

The following table lists the changes that require you to regenerate the reporting schema and the reporting framework:

Table 1. Regenerating the reporting schema and the reporting framework
This type of change... Requires this to be regenerated...
  Reporting schema Reporting framework
Adding a new field to a field group. No Yes
Adding a new object type. No Yes
Adding a new association between object types. No Yes
Removing object types or attributes.

For information, see Deleting a custom object type.

Yes Yes
Encrypting a long string (CLOB) field. No Yes
Enabling facts or dimensions. No Yes
Defining, modifying, or deleting business entity recursive object levels. No Yes
Removing a field from a field group. No Yes
Disabling an association between object types. No Yes
Disabling facts or dimensions. No Yes
Switching the security model.
Note: Switching the security model after data is loaded or migrated into the system is not recommended and requires assistance from the OpenPages Professional Services team.
Yes Yes
Changing the value of the Populate past periods setting.

For information, see Populating past reporting periods.

Yes No
Changing any setting used to compose URL links in the reporting schema, for example, the Host, Port, and Protocol settings.

For information about updating the reporting schema, see Updating URL host pointers for reports if you want to run the RPS_Update SQL script or Creating or recreating the reporting schema if you are update manually.

Yes No
Adding an index to an RT_column by using the Settings > Platform > Reporting Schema > Create Index on Fields setting. Yes No
Configuring the triangles setting. For information, see Triangle object relationships. Yes No
Important: When you regenerate the reporting framework, you need to revalidate reports. Failing to do so may result in reporting errors.